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By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria:

  • Competency 4: Describe the grievance process, dispute resolution options, and protection of employees from retaliation.
    • Analyze processes and key issues for conducting a legal workplace investigation.
    • Compare alternative dispute resolution processes.
  • Competency 5: Examine the impact of labor unions on employee-employer relationships.
    • Assess the impact of unions on the alternative dispute resolution process.
  • Competency 6: Communicate professionally with all stakeholders.
    • Write in a clear, well-organized manner with the required number of resources to support a central idea, with no technical writing errors, as expected of a business professional.

Assignment Instructions

For this assessment, analyze the value of efficient workplace investigations, effective ADR processes, and the impact unions have on ADRs.

Part 1: Hostile Work Environment Investigation

Complete the following:

  • Analyze processes and key issues for conducting a legal workplace investigation.
    • Select one scenario from the Sexual Harassment Workplace Scenarios document linked in the resources and complete the following:
      • Brainstorm some investigatory questions you would like to ask the employees involved.
      • Discuss if the employee’s actions rise to the level of hostile workplace harassment.
      • Explain how the interview questions you would like to ask would be legally compliant with a hostile work environment investigation.

Part 2: Alternative Dispute Resolutions

Complete the following:

  • Compare ADRs.
    • Address the following using your current organization as the context, if possible, so that you can include your insights into organizational culture and norms:
      • What are the three most important things you would be concerned about if charged with creating a new ADR process for an organization?
      • How would you ensure that employees would not face retaliation?
      • How would you compare ADR practices, including negotiation, mediation, and arbitration? In what ways are these practices similar and different?

Part 3: Different Unions, Different Issues

Complete the following:

  • Assess the impact of unions on the ADR process.
    • Address the following questions, using your current organization for context or another organization that is unionized:
      • How might having a union involved help or hinder the process for investigations?
      • Does the issue change with the presence of a union?
      • What are the benefits to the organization and employee for having a union?


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