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Organizational Behavior

MGT 6420 – Organizational Behavior Paper Three – Case Analysis   Assignment             Analyze an organizational problem using the theories, models, and other resources taken from the lectures and readings associated with “group” and “systems” factors. (Do not use resources that focused on “individual” factors.)    Purpose         

    The purpose of the assignment is to show you can apply theoretical concepts and models to analyze an organizational problem and plan actions to correct the problem. Instructions             Break the paper into three sections:             Introduction.  Briefly describe the organizational problem and its context. The introduction should include a thesis statement (i.e., a central controlling idea) and should be no longer than one page in length.                Analysis.  Use the theories and models we have studied to explain why the organizational problem likely exists.  Create clear connections b

etween your observations and the concepts that account for them. The analysis section is the longest part of the paper (approximately 60% of your total words).             Prescriptions.  Make strong recommendations about how to correct the organizational problem.  Support these recommendations with citations to the resources. Prescriptions should emerge logically from topics explored in your analysis.   This section should account for approximately 30% of your words.           

  The paper also should have a title page and a reference list.  Utilize the APA Manual (also available on-line from the CSS Library) to guide formatting and style.  The paper should be 1750 words in length and counts 300 points toward the final grade.