Learning Goal: I’m working on a writing question and need the explanation and answer to help me learn.
1. These are “Discussion Questions” in which you are to provide answers as well as provide constructive feedback.
* Student will provided 2 things: 1. Answers 2. Constructive Feedback
2. Your answer to this question, as well as all chapter discussion questions, must be AT LEAST 100 words.
Comments/replies must be AT LEAST 30 words. I agree with the points you made, love the example, sounds good to me, etc. . . .are NOT acceptable.
3. Post of comment/replies that have been edited or deleted and reposted will received a grade of ZERO.
Make sure the info. you want to post is correct BEFORE hitting submit.
4. Examples and information copied straight from anywhere ( including the internet AND/OR the textbook) is considered PLAGIARISM!!!!
* This will result in serious consequences.
* Answers to discussion questions must be your own ideas and in your words.
CHAPTER 2 Discussion: According to the text, perception is extremely important. People make perceptions of us and we make perceptions of other people.
1. In high school, you made friends with someone from a distant part of the U.S. that had moved to Lafayette.
2. Later, they moved back. Next week youre going to travel to visit them and also interact with other people from that region.
Use and underline at least 2 terms from Chapter 2 to address the following:
What will you do in terms of identity management? Why?
Please note that after my initial post, I will be able to view the class discussion. I will then have to provide two peer responses. I will post here. This is also part of the assignment.