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Describe how Forever 21 is not a sustainable fashion industry

15 sources Outline.

1. Intro + Thesis

2. -First Idea

      – Claim



required to write a business ethics analysis paper, examining an important ethical issue related to a business/industry and their current practices. Students may choose one of the two following topics. (If there is a different topic youd like to work on, discuss with the professor during office hours.)

For each topic, some required research resources are listed. Your research SHOULD NOT BE LIMITED to this list. However, you are required to study these resources and integrate their topics and data in your examination of the topic and your outline design.

  • Each student will be required to write a business ethics analysis paper, examining an important ethical issue related to a business/industry and their current practices. Students may choose one of the two following topics. (If there is a different topic youd like to work on, discuss with the professor during office hours.)

    For each topic, some required research resources are listed. Your research SHOULD NOT BE LIMITED to this list. However, you are required to study these resources and integrate their topics and data in your examination of the topic and your outline design.

    • Examine a business issue or labor practice of a company you choose in light of the racial justice and equity protests and corporate DEI initiatives.
    • You will write a 15 page paper, examining the questions of ethics and sustainability as it relates to this business practice. (Examples: hiring practices, talent pipeline development, sick-leave policies, investment practices, etc.)
    • Your paper must include extensive research, including but not limited to, these research sources:
      • Diversity and Inclusion –  https://www.mckinsey.com/featured-insights/diversity-and-inclusion
      • Advancing Racial Equity and Justice – https://www.businessroundtable.org/equity
      • Society for Human Resource Management (example: How to develop a Diversity and Inclusion Initiative) – https://www.shrm.org/resourcesandtools/tools-and-samples/how-to-guides/pages/how-to-develop-a-diversity-and-inclusion-initiative.aspx  
      • Ethical Reasoning Five Sources of Ethical Standards – https://www.scu.edu/ethics/ethics-resources/ethical-decision-making/a-framework-for-ethical-decision-making/
      • Sustainable Development Goals  Targets and Indicators – https://sdgs.un.org/goals
      • Corporate DEI Report and company practice related to your topic. (Example: KPMG Diversity, Equity and Inclusion: 2020 US Transparency Report https://www.kpmg.us/about/diversity-equity-inclusion/dei-report.html)


    • With this and additional research, you are to create an essay examining equity, ethics and sustainability. The paper is to include a thesis, developed research and a conclusion studying a business practice related to equity and your evaluation of the ethics of the companys current practices.