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Learning Goal: I’m working on a writing question and need the explanation and answer to help me learn.

Write two paragraphs on each of the following topics.

Please note:

1 Make sure that the work is original i.e. not fully or partly copy pasted from any website.

2 The authenticity of the work shall be verified through piracy checker app.

3 Stick to the given type of paragraph e.g. descriptive, narrative etc.

4 Write each paragraph in about 80 words; the maximum is 100 words.

5 Make sure that your paragraph includes a good topic sentences,appropriate supporting sentences and a suitable concluding sentences.

Exercise 1

Write descriptive paragraphs.

1 Your college building.

2 A beach you have visited.

Exercise 2

Write a narrative paragraph.

1 A road accident that you have witnessed.

2 The day when you owned your first car.

Exercise 3

Write expository paragraphs on any of the following topics.

1 Compare and contrast the benefits of home-made food over fast food.

2 The effects Covid-19 on the study habits.

Exercise 4

Write a persuasive paragraphs on any of the following topics.

1 Education is better than money.

2 Harmful effects of mobile phones.

Exercise 5

Write two paragraphs to represent the data given in the following visuals.

1-The bar chart shows the number of boys and girls studying in ShaqraUniversity from the year 2018 till 2021. Summarize the information inthe chart reporting main features. Write in about 80 words. (See theword file for the visual)

2- The graph shows number of times eachfast food item is consumed in a year by teenagers in Saudi Arabia from2016 to 2020. Summarize the information in the chart reporting mainfeatures and making comparison wherever relevant. Write in about 80words. (See the word file for the visual)