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Learning Goal: I’m working on a nursing discussion question and need a sample draft to help me learn.

TuesdayMay 30 at 10:25am

Building a Health History

The cornerstone of the patient’s comfort and confidence is the development of a trustworthy connection between the patient and the healthcare professional. Health information that differs from person to person may be shared using effective communication techniques. During the interview, the patient reacted well to all the questions, and I managed to create an initial rapport due to the communication techniques I used. When speaking with an older person, ensuring the target audience is culturally competent is important. As the outcome, it helped my patient comprehend and identify any questions they may have by speaking calmly, making eye contact, and asking open-ended questions without using medical jargon. It is challenging for the patient to receive appropriate medical care because he is located on a farm 80 miles from the hospital. Understanding this component of health care delivery difference should affect how culturally competent I am when starting a conversation. It is my responsibility to inquire about his angina history. In order to suggest my patient for a specific medical assessment, I must also gain their trust, and also speak in a slow and paced manner for the patient to fully understand me.

The risk of heart attack is higher in the case of an 80-year-old white male with angina. The instrument selected is scheduling diagnostic and screening test orders as a crucial risk assessment tool of Risk Characterization during our communication. Due to the patient’s angina condition and its possible consequences, this tool can become the most effective at this stage.

  • An electrocardiogram (ECG) is a test measuring heart rate and electrical activity.
  • Angiography is necessary if there is any dispute about the severity of the lesion since it can give objective proof of myocardial ischemia.

The clinician must conduct the interview properly and avoid assigning the patient a label. The following is how I would utilize open-ended and targeted inquiries once I had built rapport with my patient.

  • Do you have any chronic medical conditions?
  • What is your living situation and who helps you around your home to do your adls?
  • Do you have medications that you are taking at this time?
  • Have you had any vaccine shots this year?
  • Does pain/aching ever keep you from sleeping at night?
  • When did it start?
  • Where is your pain and what make it worse?
  • How would you characterize your pain?