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Learning Goal: I’m working on a latin american studies presentation and need the explanation and answer to help me learn.

You will create a PowerPoint presentation that lists 5 notable Hispanic Americans. The example attached shows 5 notable Hispanic Americans, and you will include 5 notable Hispanic Americans in your presentation (if you submit less, your assignment will not be graded). These notable Hispanic Americans can include actors, singers, movie stars, artists, poets, writers, etc.

Each slide should contain the following information:

  • A title slide with your name, CGS-200, and the date
  • A photo representing the notable Hispanic American
  • At least 5 facts about the notable Hispanic American (no less than 5)
  • Some of your facts could include where they were born, what was their contribution to society, some interesting facts about their career, how old they are, how many books they wrote, how many of their songs won awards, how many movies they appeared in, etc…
  • At least two (2) slides should have transition