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Reply to each post with 1-2 paragraphs, including references

Post#1 – Francisco

In the video, the instructor did not have a great teaching strategy for the students. The lecture that the instructor created lacked graphic illustration for her lecture. The instructor only prepared long slides that were very hard to read and only read off of the slides and did not provide much enthusiasm to the lecture.

Students are able to pick up on this lack of energy from the instructor and will not take the lecture seriously and will get distracted with other things. The instructor also let the students continue on with their distractions and did not stop them from continuing on with those distractions.

The instructor has to create interactive lecturing methods to engage the students. By doing this, it enhances the educational activity of the students that could ultimately lead to better learning outcomes (Tuma,

2021). If the students are engaged in the material in the scenario, there would be less chance of the students doing more than half of the issues going on in the

video. One strategy could be to create groups and have them look up certain classes of medications and present those medication to the class. This encourages students to stay engaged and help with a group activity.

Post#2- Yadira

Ineffective teaching-learning strategies

In the scenario this week, there was many issues with the way the instructor was teaching. One of the biggest issues was not addressing misconduct from the students. Not addressing the misconduct led to students to continue to participate in disruptive behavior such as sleeping, talking, having their phones out and

playing in class. The instructor also directed the class in a very unengaging manner that included difficult to read PowerPoints and a monotone voice. These were all ineffective teaching-learning strategies because the instructor nor the students were engaged.

Effective Teaching Strategies

It is important to ensure that the student and instructor engage with one another in order to provide a positive learning environment. In this scenario the instructor

could’ve included a PowerPoint that would have been easy to read and asked student questions throughout the class. According to Billings and Halstead, and the

instructors should address cues of disruptive behaviors. some teaching strategies to promote engagement include case studies, working in groups, teaching with games, and asking questions in a non-judgmental manner (2016).

Incivility is described as any type of behavior that can be disruptive or disrespectful . The instructor also scolded an individual in from of the everyone and even asked him to apologize the entire class. Some examples of incivility include:

Student to student: Bothering another student, distracting them, bullying

Student to faculty: Sleeping, being late, acting uninterested or bored

Faculty to faculty: abusing teaching privileges, bullying staff, being late

Faculty to Student: abusing teaching privileges, changing content without notice, allowing bullying, not addressing student concerns

One of the best principles of teaching is student-centered learning.

Student-centered learning is an approach that places the student at the center of the learning process, focusing on their needs, interests, and active engagement. It shifts the role of the teacher from being a sole provider of information to a facilitator, guide, and mentor.

Here are some key aspects of the student-centered learning principle:

  1. Individualized Instruction: Recognizing that each student has unique learning needs and preferences, student-centered learning promotes individualized instruction. It involves understanding students’ strengths, weaknesses, and learning styles, and tailoring instruction to meet their specific requirements.
  2. Active Learning: Student-centered learning encourages active participation and engagement. It emphasizes hands-on activities, discussions, problem-solving, group work, projects, and other interactive methods that involve students in the learning process, rather than passively receiving information.
  3. Collaboration and Peer Learning: Collaboration and peer learning are essential components of student-centered learning. It fosters a supportive learning environment where students work together, share ideas, collaborate on projects, and learn from one another. This encourages critical thinking, communication skills, and teamwork.
  4. Inquiry-Based Learning: Student-centered learning promotes inquiry-based learning, where students are encouraged to ask questions, explore concepts, and discover knowledge themselves. It involves providing opportunities for students to investigate, research, and analyze information to develop their problem-solving and critical thinking skills.
  5. Real-World Relevance: Making connections between classroom learning and real-world applications is a fundamental aspect of student-centered learning. It involves integrating real-life examples, case studies, and authentic problems into the curriculum to show students the practical relevance and application of what they are learning.
  6. Assessment for Learning: Student-centered learning focuses on ongoing assessment and feedback. It involves using a variety of formative assessment methods to gauge student progress and provide timely feedback for improvement. Assessment is seen as a tool to support learning rather than just a measure of performance.
  7. Student Autonomy and Ownership: Student-centered learning empowers students to take ownership of their learning. It encourages them to set goals, make decisions, and take responsibility for their own progress. Students are given opportunities to make choices, explore their interests, and pursue topics of personal relevance.


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