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Submit a 7-10 page APA paper with 8 references on: Choose a health goal from HealthyPeople 2030 (found at https://www.healthypeople.gov/) and develop a proposal for addressing this national health issue. (you can chose the issue so you can find one that easiest for you)

Cover Page (includes your project title)
 Project Goal and Objectives 
Objectives should be clearly stated in terms of end points and outcomes. Be sure that you have defined your project 
idea to ensure that the idea may be fully developed. You may reference the Interprofessional Education Core competencies from the course to assist in the creation of your project’s specific objectives.
Key Elements:
** Goals/Specific Aims
** Which Outcomes Measured

Explain why this project should be completed. The proposal should provide supporting documentation to put the project in context of past and existing projects and rationale for the necessity of the current project. You should perform a literature review and/or identify previous work in this area to support your rationale for the project proposal. Briefly summarize your findings.
Key Elements:
** Supporting Documentation

Description of Proposal 
The proposal should describe the project in sufficient detail that allows it to be implemented and/or replicated in the future. It is essential that you describe how an interprofessional team is required for implementation. 
** Who is the target audience/population for implementation?
** Who are the stakeholders for implementation?
** What outcomes do you hope to achieve?
** How will you measure these outcomes?
** How soon could this project start? (feasibility of implementation)
** What would prevent this project from starting? (barriers to implementation)
** What is the time line for implementation?
** What resources would be required to implement the project proposal? (ex. Funding, positions created, supplies, etc.)
     If money is needed, a budget should be developed.
** How will you measure success?

What do you anticipate the magnitude of impact of the project to be following implementation?
Key Elements:
** Significance of project proposal
** Projected contribution to or effect on the goals
Sample and Setting
•Describes population/community involved.
•Specifies/describes elements of the local environment/context for change. Characterizes relevant elements of setting or settings (for example, geography, physical resources, organizational culture, history of change efforts), that provided context for the intervention.
  • Describes needs assessment method used (e.g. rapid assessment, asset assessment, health impact assessment)
  • Describes theoretical perspective informing method (e.g., community-based participatory research, social determinants of health)
  • Defines data sources used for assessment
  • Provides a brief summary of current knowledge of the problem to be addressed and characteristics of the organization/country/community in which it occurs (this can be unit level/local/population of interest or organization/national/global level)
  • Describes the nature and severity of the specific problem or system dysfunction that will be addressed

Analysis—Evaluation plan
Discuss  main factors that contributed to choice of the specific intervention(s) (for example, analysis of causes of  dysfunction; analysis of assets; matching relevant improvement experience of others with the local situation)
Describes plans for analysis of evaluation data—How will you know your plan is successful or not?
 Describes the intervention(s) and its component parts in sufficient detail that others could reproduce it
Describes instruments and procedures (qualitative, quantitative, or mixed) used to assess
a) the effectiveness of implementation,
b) the contributions of intervention components and context factors to effectiveness of the intervention, and
c) primary and secondary outcomes
Describes evaluation plan including narrative and quantitative data management (include how issues related to use/dissemination of data collected will be addressed).
 What barriers or challenges do you foresee?
Conclusion Next steps
Describe next steps for project/intervention completion, and dissemination.
Draft a summary of key information from various sections of the text using the abstract format of the intended publication. Should not exceed 100 words. (this goes in the front just after title but is written last)
What reference materials/sources did you use to develop/support the project proposal?