+1 (845) 317-8489 [email protected]

Learning Goal: I’m working on a video animation multi-part question and need the explanation and answer to help me learn.

Instructions for Submitting your Behavioral Video:

  1. Upload your video to YouTube. Instructions for how to do so are available in the previous page. (It will probably be easiest if you can save your video as an .mp4 file, but YouTube accepts a wide variety of formats (outlined in the ).
  2. Combine all 4 of your PDFs (supporting each of your 4 hypotheses) into 1 file using a program like name and BOM3 – something like “Willis_Jeff_BOM3.pdf”.
  3. Click the Submit Assignment button at the top of this screen and upload your combined PDF file.
  4. Copy and paste your YouTube URL (webpage address) to the Comments section of the assignment, then click Submit!