+1 (845) 317-8489 [email protected]

Learning Goal: I’m working on a psychology question and need the explanation and answer to help me learn.

Here is a very short but powerful talk by on how much our personalities and values change over the course of our lives, and how well we predict changes. The length of the paper should be 2-4 pages, and should address the following:

1) Provide a brief summary of the talk.

2) What do you predict will change about yourself in the next ten years? What do you anticipate will be the magnitude (how much) of the change?

3) What are your thoughts about the discrepancy between people’s predictions of personal change and actual change? Are you comforted or dismayed, or …?

The deadline for the paper is Friday, June 9, at 5pm. The deadline is unmodifiable because final grades for this course need to be submitted. Please turn in your work to this site in either a .doc or .pdf file. No other formats will be accepted or read. Please don’t send it to my email — this will result in going into a spam file. Note: Your papers will be run through a plagiarism detection program. Any plagiarism will be referred to the Dean’s Office for review and reprisals, which include withholding transcripts and units.

Link to Dan Gilbert talk: