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Learning Goal: I’m working on a psychology multi-part question and need the explanation and answer to help me learn.


Please do the assignment below:

Students will attend one Alcoholics Anonymous and one meeting for family members or people with an eating disorder. Only attend Open meetings unless you meet the necessary criteria for Closed meeting attendance. All programs have online meetings that you may use to complete this assignment.

Students will then write and submit a written reflection which should include an introductory overview of the meetings you attended, and a reflection paper of 3-5 pages describing:

your overall thoughts and feelings about the meetings you attended what influenced your thoughts and feelings

what this exercise has taught you about what clients might experience, focusing on your thoughts and feelings (a) before the meeting, (b) during the meeting, and (c) following the meeting.Your summary (conclusion) should include an analysis of how 12-step support groups should/should not be integrated into your fictional clients treatment and relapse plan.

Thank you