+1 (845) 317-8489 [email protected]

For the first composition of the semester, you are going to watch a short film and write a summary.
Carefully review the narrative in the past.
Part 1 (70%): Write a summary of the short film.
Part 2 (30%): Answer 2 questions.
Carefully review the rubric. You can post your comments and suggestions until the end of the week (Sunday at 11:59pm).
The Immigrant.
First, watch this short film https ://youtu.be/O3jjGoJS_gw
Then, make a summary in Spanish of the short film using the preterite and imperfect, and various temporal connectors.
Write 200-300 words (see rubric on Blackboard).
Second, write an analysis of the short film by answering the following questions. Questions 1 and 2 can be answered in English, Question 3 must be answered in Spanish.
Carefully review the rubric. You can post your comments and suggestions until the end of the week (Sunday at 11:59pm).
Second, write an analysis of the short film by answering the following questions. Questions 1 and 2 can be answered in English, Question 3 must be answered in Spanish.
What type of immigrant is Carlos? What are the circumstances that brought him to Spain? What advantages does he have over other immigrants (e.g., immigrants from Asia or Africa)?
Comment on the juxtaposition of scenes that present Carlos dreams with the reality he lives.
What image of Latin American immigration in Spain does this short film present to us through Carlos experience?
Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)