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Research Proposal

Instructions and Assignments: Topic and Thesis: The research paper topic must be based on a current social issue, and the paper must be persuasive; therefore, an arguable stance (for or against) must be taken on the topic and presented in the thesis statement. The research paper will consist of FIVE-to-SEVEN pages of text; the works cited information must also be included. Review a Possible List of Topics  Download Possible List of Topics for the research paper. For this submission, you should include: Topic The thesis statement should consist of your topic and your stance on the topic. 300-word Research Proposal: The research proposal should include a header (double-spaced in the top left-hand corner of the first page: Name, Instructor’s Name, ENG1123, and date) and the running head (last name and page number in the top right-hand corner of the page). Study the MLA Research Paper Formatting Guidelines.

The research proposal should be written in complete sentences and should be separated into four sections, labeled: Topic: state the topic you have selected. Stance: state your position (for or against) on the topic. Plans for Supporting the Stance: give examples of the types of information you plan to gather to support your topic. Research Methodology: explain how you plan to conduct your research (i.e. What terms will you search for when finding journal articles from the approved databases?). Detailed information about source requirements can be found on the page for week three. Submit the 300-Word Research Proposal by 11:59 pm on Sunday.