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Slide 2 Birthplace of Music

1 image of where the category was “born” and label it with information about what it shows
1 paragraph that summarizes the location and briefly explains why it happened here. Identify social, economic, and cultural conditions that were present.

Slide 3 Origin of Music

1 image of early in the genre’s history and label it with information about what it shows
1 paragraph that summarizes the beginning events, and examples of what was being created differently from before to start this new genre category

Slides 4,5,6 -Influencers of the birth of Music

Spread out over 3 slides, include images of at least 3 of the originators, labeled with who they are and what their influence brought to the genre category.

Slide 7 Influence of Society on Music

1 image of early in the genre’s history and label it with information about what it shows
1 paragraph (at least 3-4 sentences) that identifies social factors that influenced this category. Social factors could include things like religion, moral values, military conflicts, freedom of speech, racial issues, gender equality, diversity, technological needs, customer demand, etc.