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Learning Goal: I’m working on a application writing project and need the explanation and answer to help me learn.

As an AI language model, I do not possess personal beliefs or opinions since I am designed to provide information based on facts and data. However, I can provide insights on how society perceives the future and its potential impact on human life.

Many believe that the future of society will be heavily influenced by technology, with artificial intelligence, automation, 3D printing, and other emerging technologies impacting various industries and changing the way humans work.

Some experts predict that automation may lead to job loss, which could worsen income inequality. They suggest that society needs to develop new jobs and education programs to ensure everyone has access to employment opportunities.

Additionally, there are increasing concerns about climate change and its impacts on the planet. Many believe that sustainability and green initiatives will be crucial in the future, as society strives to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and limit the damage to the environment.

Overall, society’s future will depend on how we adapt to the challenges and opportunities that technology and environmental challenges present. It will require collaboration across industries, governments, and individuals to ensure that advancements are not detrimental to society’s well-being and that we can build a better and more sustainable world for future generations.


What Would Make The Best Society?

The following answers to this central philosophical question each win a random book.

The closest to perfection would be an interdependent Confederation of societies, each containing between one and two hundred citizens, depending upon factors such as location and climate. These villages would be more or less evenly distributed across the globe, having access to roughly equivalent amounts of arable land. Thirty per cent of all land would be designated wilderness, and no societies would be allowed to colonies these areas, but antisocial individuals would be free to inhabit the wilderness following a life-style of total lonesomeness.

Each society would be run according to a consensus of members, on a Rousseau Ian model of full participation of all members over 14 and council decree. Dissenting members will be invited to move to alternative societies, set up their own on land proportionate to the size of the dissenting group, or to take to the wilderness. Councils may legislate on shared interests, but there will be no laws restricting private activities provided these do not infringe upon the same freedoms of others.

Whilst each society would decide its own rules, the Confederation would respect a universal constitution according to which no-one can own anything they have not made. Communal products could be exchanged freely amongst individuals or between societies. There would be no money, and no hoarding of mutually-owned resources, on pain of banishment to the wilderness. Every year there would be a Global Festival of Gratitude and Giving, during which gifts would be freely exchanged and art, music, dances and games would celebrate and renew the freedom of the Earth from human domination.

According to the constitution, animals culled from the wild may be eaten during the winter in cold climates and during illness. But there would be no domestication or other infringement upon the freedom of animals. Killing would be allowed only if human life is in danger, or to stabilize populations and environmental harmony. All waste would be recycled, and energy derived only from renewable sources such as wind and tide.

If one society threatens aggression against another, the Global Confederation would boycott it for 50 years. Members would be invited to join alternative societies, but may emigrate only to one that has received no other members of the rogue society. All political relationships will be entirely internal to each society and there would be no alliances formed between societies. Societies attempting to form political allegiances or extend their power beyond their own members will be boycotted. Individuals would be free to travel to and form relationships with individuals of other societies, but any group growing too large for its arable resources would have to redistribute.


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