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Learning Goal: I’m working on a sociology discussion question and need the explanation and answer to help me learn.


The annotated bibliography will be double spaced in a reasonable font (10-12 point), and include citations and references in APA style. References must be

academically credible (i.e. peer reviewed) and examine either theoretical issues or report empirical data following a common theme (i.e., examining one

psychological phenomenon with relevance to the modern world). The annotated bibliography should show understanding and thoughtful reflection on a topic that

speaks to the mission and objectives of the course. Further, annotated bibliographies will be graded on the basis of content, clarity and overall quality of work.

Students will be assessed in terms of their technology assignments with an appropriate grading scheme. For example, some combination of database experience and APA formatting.

Please click on the following link for numerous examples of APA style annotated bibliographies: Writing Center – Annotated Bibliography

The basic purpose is to cite the source and provide a brief summary written in a clear and concise manner.

Make sure that you have 5 peer reviewed references related to psychological phenomenon (therefore 5 – 10 summaries).

When writing your annotated bibliography consider the following questions:

1) What is the purpose of the article? This is the hypothesis or the testable prediction.

2) What is the most important information used to support the arguments (assertions)? This would be found in the results of the study. Just give the basic findings in your own words. Do not worry if you do not understand the stats or design, your job is to come up with the “gist” of the findings.

3) What is the conclusion? In other words was the hypothesis supported or not?

4) What are the logical implications of the results of the study? This is sometimes called the “significance” of the study.

The sociology of globalization

is a subfield of sociology that examines the social, cultural, political, and economic implications of globalization—the process of increasing interconnectedness and interdependence among societies around the world. It focuses on understanding the social changes, transformations, and challenges that arise from globalization. Here are some key points to consider when discussing the sociology of globalization:

  1. Global Interconnectedness: The sociology of globalization emphasizes the ways in which societies, institutions, and individuals are interconnected on a global scale. It explores the networks, flows, and exchanges of ideas, information, people, goods, and capital that transcend national boundaries. Globalization has led to increased mobility, communication, and intercultural interactions.
  2. Cultural Hybridity and Identity: Globalization has influenced cultural practices, identities, and expressions. The sociology of globalization examines how cultural values, norms, and practices are reshaped and transformed through global flows of media, technology, consumerism, and migration. It explores issues of cultural hybridity, cultural imperialism, and the negotiation of identities in a globalized world.
  3. Economic Globalization: The sociology of globalization also focuses on the economic dimensions of globalization. It explores the expansion of transnational corporations, global trade networks, and financial systems. It analyzes the dynamics of economic inequalities, labor migration, outsourcing, and the impact of global economic policies on different societies and social groups.
  4. Power and Inequality: Globalization is not a neutral process, and the sociology of globalization examines power dynamics and social inequalities that are shaped by global forces. It analyzes how global institutions, such as the World Bank, International Monetary Fund, and multinational corporations, influence economic, social, and political outcomes, often leading to disparities and marginalization of certain groups and regions.
  5. Global Governance and Social Movements: The sociology of globalization investigates global governance structures, such as international organizations, treaties, and agreements, and their influence on social issues, human rights, environmental sustainability, and social justice. It also examines the role of social movements and grassroots organizations in challenging global power structures and advocating for change.
  6. Environmental and Health Implications: Globalization has significant environmental and health implications. The sociology of globalization examines the ecological impact of global economic activities, climate change, and resource exploitation. It also investigates global health challenges, including the spread of diseases, access to healthcare, and the impact of global health policies.
  7. Resistance and Alternatives: The sociology of globalization explores forms of resistance, contestation, and alternative visions of globalization. It examines social movements, local initiatives, and grassroots efforts that seek to challenge dominant global narratives and advocate for more sustainable, equitable, and just forms of globalization.


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