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Learning Goal: I’m working on a sociology writing question and need a sample draft to help me learn.

This assignment is a short essay that should be 850 words minimum.

This is the prompt: What are some of the primary tropes (stereotypes), assumptions, and notions that characterize white nationalist and right-wing populist beliefs and rhetoric? The essay must incorporate and cite to the four required reserve readings:

1) The Psychology of White Nationalism: AmbivalenceTowards a Changing America by Christine Reyna, Andrea Bellovary, and Kara Harris

2) The Victim Ideology of White Supremacists and White Separatists in the United States by Mitch Berbrierr

3) Alt-White: Conceptualizing the AltRight as a Rhetorical Bridge between White Nationalism and Mainstream Public Discourse by Stephanie L. Hartzell

4) Right-Wing Populism and the Politics of Insecurity: How President Trump Frames Migrants as Collective Threats by Daniel Bland

5) The film “White Right: Meeting the Enemy” directed by must be utilized as well.

I attached the readings to this message.