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Learning Goal: I’m working on a sociology report and need a sample draft to help me learn.

For this response paper, you should read the s article Have Smart Phones Destroyed a Generation? several times, and write about how this article relates to course lecture material and readings to answer the questions below.

“Smartphones” Article:

Constructing Childhood

How would sociologists who study childhood use a social constructionist framework to respond to this article?

In your short response, you must refer to the following:

  • Use a quote and explain the argument of one of the following readings: Childhood in America, Past and Present by Paula Fass and Mary Ann Mason or In Search of the Child by David Buckingham
  • From the lecture:
    • the definition of childhood vs children
    • define and apply the theory of social constructionism

Evaluate the Article

Define the three child subject types (innocent, sick, and anti-social) and provide a specific example of each from the article. In your own words, what is the argument? Does the author provide convincing evidence to support the argument? Be specific. What could the author do to strengthen their argument? List any counterarguments or contradictions that you think the author should address. In other words, play devils advocate. How would the other side view the authors argument and evidence?


The paper should be no less than 4 pages (double spaced, 12 point Times New Roman Font, 1 inch margins) and no more than 6 pages. You do not need to provide a reference list unless you use materials from outside the course. I expect that you will use definitions directly from the Powerpoint lectures and you do not need to cite those definitions. If you cite a course reading, you can simply cite the author’s last name (e.g., Corsaro argued that…).