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Learning Goal: I’m working on a statistics question and need the explanation and answer to help me learn.

Dom and Gabe want to see if they tend to prioritize pooping at home, versus public places. In their case, these are the hypothesis they came up with;

H0 = half(.5) or more of the poops are at home.

Ha = less than half of the poops are at home.

Using a significance level of .05, do they accept or reject the null hypothesis?

We were then given the graph attatched, which obviously shows that 85% of the poops are at home, but were still told we need to prove it with hypothesis test.

121 Total Poops. 104 at home, 3 at school, 2 at the gym, and 12 listed as “other”

I personally don’t understand how to do a hypothesis test with the given information.