+1 (845) 317-8489 [email protected]

Follow these instructions explicitly; i.e. number your answers; do NOT upload long paragraphs! (Otherwise, I will return the assignment for you to redo in order to receive credit.)


  1. Clarify which of the TWO literary works from this page – – (two poems OR two stories OR which poem and story) you’ve chosen to compare. (I chose them and they are down below)
  2. Briefly (2-3 sentences) describe the intended focus of your analysis / interpretation. What will you be attempting to demonstrate via your comparative analysis?
  3. Briefly (2-3 sentences) describe why you believe this to be a plausible approach / theory / interpretation.
  4. In a bullet list, provide 4-5 specific pieces of evidence from the poems/stories (quotes, examples, scenes) that you think support your interpretation.

You may upload this Prep Work as either a Word doc OR via text entry in the box below


This assignment should be expressed as a list of arguable claims (complete sentences, but not full paragraphs) consisting of:

  1. Your comparative thesis
  2. A list of your 4-6 supporting claims (expressed as complete topic sentences).
    • NOTE: The number of claims may depend on whether you’ve chosen the method to organize your paper.
  3. Under each supporting claim, provide a bullet list of brief supporting quotes/examples from the text(s).

You may upload this Prep Work as either a Word doc OR via text entry in the box below.