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Project and Report
Paper details:
This is a Masters’ paper. No similarities. Reflect on at least 10 scholarly references relevant to your research project, using Harvard style. Please use as many different journals as possible. Fulfill all the requirements of the assignment. Use minimum 12 point font for text.

All the requirements will be provided in a PDF file named “Systems_Modelling_and_Simulation_Brief.pdf” Please read all the assignment requirements. All the requirements in the PDF file must be met. I know this is not the final payment please look through the assignment and then provide me with an additional payment if you would be able to conduct the software needed on the project part and describe and evaluate on the report part.

Please get back to me ASAP.
Thank you.

PS: on the last page of the brief if says “Ensure that you follow the assignment guidelines for submission which is available on: … ” I will provide that as well as a PDF called “AssignmentSubmissionGuidelines.pdf”.