+1 (845) 317-8489 [email protected]

I am part of the on-calls for IAD601 which is the Igloo or library holding tons of our valuable customers data. I faced a situation where a particular library was having issues almost on a daily basis by going out of service and causing a huge impact on productivity. Multiple solutions were applied but none worked. On this particular Tuesday when I was the on-call tech for IAD601, I took it upon myself to resolve the recurring robot failure Sev2 situation that brings down the whole library and delays data access to our clients.
As two replacements of the same robot had already taken place, the ticket again was asking to replace the robot for the same issue for the third time and I knew this is not the robot issue but some minor nick is manipulating the library into thinking that it had failed and needs to be replaced.
I didnt just go with the typical following the steps provided in the ticket as they were followed twice in the past and still we were here trying to follow blindly for the third time. I started deep diving into the situation, disabled the library, opened the panel up and inspected the robot and its assembly closely. Turns out the installation of robot was done incorrectly. If the robot is off by 1mm in alignment, it will fail calibration. I removed it from its housing, made sure the robot was not crooked, took necessary steps to make sure robot is ready to be inserted into its location.
Results were as expected: Success! Library was seen and recognized by the library as a functioning and working robot. Ran multiple tests through the library control panel
and each one passed with flying colors. After which the Manager of Glacier team reached out directly to me and thanked me personally for taking care of this ongoing issue
as it was causing them lots of stress as well.
This is the example of 1 project I did
Situation: New building opening difficult to to work on daily basis ticket, sev2 and rack down
Task: Need cart to keep the tools bags, repair parts, laptop and red bucket to put the trash while working
Analysis: Build the cart
Smoothe for work and prevent from alarm and safety from the injuries while repaire the parts
for 1 order :
Situtation: New bulding openin difficult to to work on daily basis ticket, sev2 and rack down
Task: Need cart to keep the tools bags, repaire parts, laptop and red bucket to put the trash while working
Analysis: Build the cart
Smoothe for work and prevent from alarm and safety from the injuries while repaire the parts