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Tell his/her story using correctly 15 of the 31 vocabulary words listed in this slide deck which you have illustrated.

TOPIC: Who is your favorite hero, fictional character, or real person? Tell his/her story using correctly 15 of the 31 vocabulary words listed in this slide deck which you have illustrated. You may vary the part of speech for the words. Example: Instead of using the noun “levitation”, you may use the verb “levitate.” KEY→ Use the words correctly according to definition and usage. anomaly deviation from the normal or common order, form, or rule squalid foul and run-down and repulsive decrepit worn and broken down by hard use lurch move suddenly or as if unable to control one’s movements levitation the phenomenon of rising as if by supernatural means ramify have or develop complicating consequences mired entangled or hindered viable capable of life or normal growth and development demographer a scientist who studies the growth and density of

populations and their vital statistics baby boomer a member of the baby boom generation in the 1950s contingent determined by conditions or circumstances that follow opt select as an alternative over another advocate a person who pleads for a person, cause, or idea favor bestow a privilege upon compartmentalize keep separate; separate into isolated categories hypothesize believe especially on uncertain or tentative

grounds validate confirm the legal force of obscure not clearly understood or expressed phenomenon any state or process known through the senses subsequent following in time or order concede give over interdependence a relation between entities that rely on each other employ put into service prosthetic of or relating to artificial body parts accost approach and speak to someone aggressively or insistently atrocious shockingly brutal or cruel cartographic of or relating to the making of maps or charts Spanish Inquisition an inquisition initiated in 1478 by King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella that guarded the orthodoxy of Catholicism in Spain (especially from the 15th to the 17th centuries) endowed provided or supplied or equipped with terrain a piece of ground having specific characteristics abolitionist a reformer who favors putting an end to slavery