The Culture Exceeds proficiency in an exceptionally clear, insightful, sophisticated, or creative manner Determines if the company has a corporate culture built on DEI Shows progress toward proficiency, but with errors or omissions; areas for improvement may include descriptions that are lacking in detail or cursory Does not attempt criterion 3 DEI Plan: Overall Strategic Plan Exceeds proficiency in an exceptionally clear, insightful, sophisticated, or creative manner Discusses how the project DEI plan fits into the company’s overall strategic plan Shows progress toward proficiency, but with errors or omissions; areas for improvement may include discussion that is missing key components or is inaccurate Does not attempt criterion 5 Articulation of Response Exceeds proficiency in an exceptionally clear, insightful, sophisticated, or creative manner Clearly conveys meaning with correct grammar, sentence structure, and spelling, demonstrating an understanding of audience and purpose Shows progress toward proficiency, but with errors in grammar, sentence structure, and spelling, negatively impacting readability Submission has critical errors in grammar, sentence structure, and spelling, preventing understanding of ideas 5 Citations and Attributions Uses citations for ideas requiring attribution, with few or no minor errors Uses citations for ideas requiring attribution, with consistent minor errors Uses citations for ideas requiring attribution, with major errors Does not use citations for ideas requiring attribution 5 Total: