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Learning Goal: I’m working on a history discussion question and need the explanation and answer to help me learn.

In this lesson, you have learned about the causes and effects of the economic boom that took place in the United States after the end of World War II. You learned that while the boom was widespread and led to many positive changes for some Americans, not everyone was content with these changes or shared equally in the relative prosperity.

For this assignment, you will write a minimum of two sentences that summarize how the postwar boom affected each of the three groups: veterans, women, and African Americans. Indicate the following for each group:

  • what they gained as a result of World War II
  • what challenges they faced at the end of the war
  • what progress they made as a group in the years after the war
  • what struggles you predict each group will face in the decades that followed

Use the chart below to record your responses for submission.

  1. Complete the reading and activities for this lesson.
  2. Review your notes for this lesson.
  3. Complete and submit your chart to 06.02 The Fifties and Sixties.

06.02 Grading Rubric

Excellent Good Needs Improvement Poor
Content 3640 points

The work contains all of the required elements:

  • accurate explanation of historical facts
  • clear understanding of the causes and effects of the postwar boom
  • usage of relevant and correct illustrative examples
3035 points

The work contains most of the required elements:

  • accurate explanation of historical facts
  • clear understanding of the causes and effects of the postwar boom
  • usage of relevant and correct illustrative examples
2529 points

The work contains some of the required elements:

  • accurate explanation of historical facts
  • clear understanding of the causes and effects of the postwar boom
  • usage of relevant and correct illustrative examples
024 points

The work contains few of the required elements:

  • accurate explanation of historical facts
  • clear understanding of the causes and effects of the postwar boom
  • usage of relevant and correct illustrative examples
Quality 36-40 points

The work contains all of the required elements:

  • complete response to at least one aspect of the topic in each box
  • successful application of critical thinking skills
  • high level of historical insight
25-35 points

The work contains most of the required elements:

  • complete response to at least one aspect of the topic in each box
  • successful application of critical thinking skills
  • high level of historical insight
15-24 points

The work contains some of the required elements:

  • complete response to at least one aspect of the topic in each box
  • successful application of critical thinking skills
  • high level of historical insight
0-14 points

The work contains few of the required elements:

  • complete response to at least one aspect of the topic in each box
  • successful application of critical thinking skills
  • high level of historical insight
21st century presentation skills 18-20 points

The work is always organized, easy to read and comprehend. It has few spelling or grammar errors. Ideas are presented in complete, well-constructed sentences. All assignment directions have been followed.

15-17 points

The work is usually organized, easy to read and comprehend. It has few spelling or grammar errors. Ideas are presented in complete, well-constructed sentences. Most assignment directions have been followed.

10-14 points

The work is sometimes organized, easy to read and comprehend. It has some spelling or grammar errors. Ideas are presented in complete, well-constructed sentences. Some assignment directions have been followed.

0-9 points

The work is rarely organized, easy to read and comprehend. It has many spelling or grammar errors. Ideas are presented in incomplete, well-constructed sentences. The work does not follow assignment directions.