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Address the following:

Introduce the topic by drawing from your previous work. Introduce the policy by providing an overview of the suggested or implemented policy: background of the topic, including

main elements of the policy, costs, and quality/safety. Assert your main thesis statement.
Offer an evidence-based, informed opinion in support of the suggested or implemented

policy. Describe at least two major contributions that this policy makes to , nursing, or health outcomes. Provide support with at least three sources of evidence.

Discuss at least one opposing opinion to the suggested or implemented policy.


Health policy often refers to the health-related content of a policy. Understood in this sense, there are many categories of health policies, including global health policy, public health policy, mental health policy, health care services policy,insurance policy, personal healthcare policy,pharmaceutical policy, and policies related topublic healthsuch asvaccination policy,tobacco control policyorpolicy. Health policy may also cover topics related to healthcare delivery, for example of financing and provision, access to care,, and

Health policy also includes the governance and implementation of health-related policy, sometimes referred to as health governance,

[2]health systems governance or healthcare governance.

[3]Conceptual models can help show the flow from health-related policy development to health-related policy and program implementation and tohealth systemsand health outcomes. Policy should be understood as more than a national law or health policy that supports a program or intervention. Operational policies are the rules, regulations, guidelines, and administrative norms that governments use to translate national laws and policies into programs and services.

[4]The policy process encompasses decisions made at a national or decentralized level (including funding decisions) that affect whether and how services are delivered. Thus, attention must be paid to policies at multiple levels of the health system and over time to ensure sustainable scale-up. A supportive policy environment will facilitate the scale-up of health interventions.


There are many aspects ofpoliticsandevidencethat can influence the decision of a government, private sector business or other group to adopt a specific policy.Evidence-relies on the use of science and rigorous studies such asrandomized

to identify programs and practices capable of improving policy relevant outcomes. Most political debates surround personal health care policies, especially those that seek toreform healthcare delivery, and can typically be categorized as

eitherphilosophicaloreconomic. Philosophical debates center around questions aboutindividual rights, ethics and government authority, while economic topics include how to maximize the efficiency of health care delivery and minimize costs.






