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discuss the connection between Hip-Hop and Prison industrial Complex. Also, utilizing the lyrics from 1-2 key songs of your choice and analyzing them, how does Hip-Hop, as a culture, both contribute and/or counter the effects of these two systematic rea

There is a distinct connection between Hip-Hop and Prison, ie. the Prison Industrial Complex and School To Prison Pipeline. The concept of prison is often glorified as a badge of honor in many lyrics in Hip-Hop culture. Similarly, you can find lyrics that critique and demonize the justice system and the Prison industrial Complex.

In 7-10 pages, discuss the connection between Hip-Hop and Prison industrial Complex. Also, utilizing the lyrics from 1-2 key songs of your choice and analyzing them, how does Hip-Hop, as a culture, both contribute and/or counter the effects of these two systematic realities (Prison Industrial Complex / School To Prison Pipeline)?