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This submission must follow the very specific rules of the 7 requirements for your story idea, as well as the logline format and story plot question format, detailed in the 1.1 assignment.
Here is a recap of some of those rules
The format of the Logline being taught in this class IS NOT LIKE what you find on the back of a book cover, DVD, or read on a Netflix menu.
The Logline format that you are learning in this course is specifically designed to simultaneously create a Story Plot Question which gets answered in the climax of the story.
The Story Plot Question is also known in the industry as the will they or wont they question, climatic question, or CENTRAL DRAMATIC QUESTION.
There are to be no secrets in your logline or story plot question.
You must have an on-screen nemesis.
You must have a theme of Man vs Man. (Human vs. Human)
Your logline MUST include character flaws that are internal for the hero and the nemesis.
Your plot goal must be something external that can be battled out on screen through all of Act 2 by the hero and the nemesis.
We need to know who wants exactly what, who is opposed to that, and why, in the logline. There can be nothing vague in the logline in terms of character or plot.
All of these things and many, many more are detailed in the previous lessons and embedded lecture videos. So, you must complete all the previous lessons to be able to complete this assignment correctly.
1. Single story goal: One page of script equals one minute of real-time. So your story goal for your flawed hero should be about one problem that the flawed hero can battle out and solve in 5-7 minutes against their on-screen flawed nemesis.
2. Characters: Ideally only two characters: A single hero and a single nemesis. Their conflict must play out on screen. This means no internal conflict for the hero or nemesis. Ideally no extras: One or two if necessary to move the plot forward or reveal backstory. Absolutely no large crowds of extras.
3. Theme: For this assignment, you will be writing stories that pit one character against another character (Man vs Man) in a single problem. The hero/nemesis and/or audience should learn a lesson or moral about life, love, or the pursuit of happiness by the end of your 5-7 minute story.
4. Scene Locations: No more than two or three INTERIOR set locations that can be built on a soundstage. INTERIOR sets cant be exotic, expensive, heavily detailed, difficult, time-consuming, or expensive to build or to rig lighting for. In terms of EXTERNAL set locations, its best to avoid using any EXTERNAL set locations in your story. If you must, it can be no more than 1/2 A PAGE IN THE SCRIPT TOTAL. (For campus students, it must be a set location from the Full Sail Backlot).
5. Low Budget: This means no stories that are expensive or time-consuming to produce. This generally means no fantasy, sci-fi, or period piece stories due to costs of sets, costumes and production props. No stories with special or visual effects, complex character make-up, or expensive prosthetics. No stories with animals because they require an animal trainer, up-to-date medical records, and special production insurance. No special insurance or health and safety permits for the production should be required which means no dangerous stunts, explosions, pyrotechnics, or fires of any kind.
6. Production time: Should ideally be able to be filmed in one day, no more than two days maximum. It should be able to be done with a minimal production crew, no more than five to ten people.
7. Ask yourself: Can I get together a few friends and shoot this story for almost no budget over the course of a weekend and edit it in a couple of days? If the answer is no, then your story idea will not work for this assignment.
The format of the Logline being taught in this class IS NOT LIKE what you find on the back of a book cover, DVD, or read on a Netflix menu.
The Logline format that you are learning in this course is specifically designed to simultaneously create a Story Plot Question which gets answered in the climax of the story.