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Learning Goal: I’m working on a writing discussion question and need the explanation and answer to help me learn.

It’s time to get started writing summaries. Please choose ONE of the articles assigned in and write a summary. For more guidance, review the readings in this module that explain effective summary writing.

Remember to use quotation marks around the article title, and follow a quote with an in-text citation just like this (Wu 4).

Regarding APA format: for our discussion boards, you don’t need toinclude a paper heading (name/course/instructor/date) or right headerpage numbers; however, whenever you refer to any source in your post, you must provide citation information.The easiest way to do that is to follow your post with a Works Citedlist, referencing any source you referred to in your post. For thisdiscussion, all that means is after your summary, please include acitation of the article. Here’s how to create a citation: