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Attached is previous paper that was written for my leadership project. This assignment follows my previous one.
Consider how you are an advocate as you work within an Community organization, and how you advocate for the clients , how you could bring this information back to the population, and how your interactions have and will affect each of these groups.

This assignment will consist of two parts: 1) identify your leadership project goals, and 2) selecting the appropriate team members who will be necessary to accomplish your goals while advocating for the community.
Based on the problem / issue that you have decided to change/manage, delineate and clearly state five goals for your leadership project. These goals should be SMART: Specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and timed.
Describe your plan for establishing a multidisciplinary team to produce the desirable change.
Identify who will be on your multidisciplinary team that you will lead to produce the desirable change.
Define every member, including the rationale behind being selected to join the team and why it is important to include him/her in your multidisciplinary team
Explain each member’s role on the team since it is your responsibility as a team leader to delineate roles and responsibilities of each member in this team.