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Follow the guidelines for protection of human subjects that you learned in CITI. The observation should last between 45 minutes to one hour.
1. Prepare for the field:
Select a setting (park, your house, or anywhere that can ensure your safety)
If you decide to go out to a park for an observation, make sure you wear a mask, and keep at least 6 feet social distancing from people.
Review the guidelines for protection of human subjects before completing the observation.
2. Conduct and record the observation:
Date and Time: Record date, time, and duration of the observation
Describe the setting:
o Describe the setting and your reasons for choosing it for your observation
o Discuss any problems you experienced in gaining access to the site
Record your observations:
o Observe and record. Take scant notes while you observe.
o Expand on your notes as soon as possible after the observation.
o Be explicit and clear in your description of the behaviors and interactions you observed.
3. Identity inferences and reflect
Read your field observation report.
Underline any inferences (what you think really happened and what you think you heard).
Reflect on your personal thoughts and feelings about one of the inferences you underlined.
4. Evaluation: Summarize what you learned from this assignment.