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Verbal communication Nonverbal communication Public speaking Cross-cultural communication in the workplace Listening in communication Gender and communication Communication

Instructions Although the lesson for this week already addressed this information, for ease of assignment completion, here it is again. Here is a list of topics from which you can choose: Verbal communication Nonverbal communication Public speaking Cross-cultural communication in the workplace Listening in communication Gender and communication Communication and care management Perception Conversation skills Communication, technology, and social media Click on the following link for an example of what you will be doing this week: Now it is your turn. In order to write an effective thesis, you will need to do your research. Find a minimum of three scholarly sources that you plan to use to inform your teaching. Use the template for Assignment 2 to guide your organization of this information. You will receive feedback concerning your topic choice, thesis, organization, and sources in the grading process.

Reflection At the end of your submission, add a reflection paragraph addressing your consideration of a cross-cultural topic and why or why not this topic was chosen. What is it about cross-cultural communication that interests you, concerns you, or creates a barrier for you. Note: Any topic you chose is fine, but this is a chance to reflect on the added component of cross-cultural communication. Presentation Note PowerPoint presentations with recorded narration are due in Week 7. Begin practicing the use of your microphone with your computer and the PowerPoint narration feature. Make sure to view the following tutorial for help with creating narration: Link (website):  Writing Requirements (APA format) Length: 0.5-1 page (not including title page or references page) 1-inch margins Double spaced 12-point Times New Roman font Title page References page is not required as the 3 sources are listed in Section 5.