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Write a 3-page paper in which you analyze the painting Guernica (1937) by Picasso in terms of the following three sets of criteria.

One, conduct background research (from credible sources such as this  ” https://www.pbs.org/treasuresoftheworld/a_nav/guernica_nav/main_guerfrm.html website”) about Guernica. What is the story behind the painting? What was Picasso aiming to do? Identify what you think is the single most important fact about the historical context in which the painting was created. Explain why you think this fact is the most important. This section should be one page in length.

Two, identify what you think are the two most important themes in the painting. It is crucial that these are themes that you consider to be the most important. Briefly explain why you consider these two themes in particular to be the most important. This section should be one page in length.

Three, identify what you think are the two most important techniques of representation in the painting, such as the color scheme, any particular visual schematic, or a specific metaphor. Explain each technique clearly and provide concrete details from the painting that illustrate the particular technique. For example, if Picasso has used a powerful metaphor in the painting, identify what that metaphor is and how it manifests itself in the painting. Here too, it is crucial that these are techniques that you consider to be the most important. This section should be one page in length.

Please do not quote from any source but express any ideas or arguments in your own words. Do remember to cite all sources, of course.