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Learning Goal: I’m working on a website development question and need the explanation and answer to help me learn.

  1. Your project should be either:A web application operating in the cloud and accessible from any PC or Mac. The web application you are creating must be developed using PHP. the project should be done using Android Studio or the currently accepted IDE at developer.android.com. The application must store and retrieve data using a database or preferences.If you are creating a website, the web application should be developed using PHP or Visual Studio .NET.
  2. The project you choose must conform to the specifications below. Some examples of past projects have included a record store, an online comic book forum with sales, a library, and a parking lot car tracker. Use your creativity.
  3. Project Specifications:
    • You are a Software Developer about to be hired by an organization to develop a project for them.
    • The web site for your organization must include at least five distinct pages (or three screens, in the case of a mobile app).
    • If you are creating a website, you must have a back-end database containing at least five tables.
    • If you are creating a mobile app, the requirement is that you must store data in some way, using either a database or preferences.
    • NOT REQUIRED: If you choose a web site, after week 1, the site must be hosted in the cloud (as opposed to a local computer).
    • Elements of secure software must be implemented.
    • Your project needs to look like a real web site or a real mobile app because you will want to use the project as part of your portfolio to present to employers.
    • If you choose a web site, the site should be accessible from any computer.
    • All data in all tables should appear as real data, and not jibberish.
    • Each project is different, but your customers end-users should have the ability to search for and return data.
    • Your customers end-users should have the ability to register, create, and change passwords.
    • Your users activities should alter data in some way either by purchasing something and removing it from inventory or by adding it to your tables. In the mobile application, this can be allowing a user to save a score in a game, for example, and adding and removing it.

    I’m doing a web application using php

  4. My project details:
    Part 1.
    • This website/mobile app’s main goal is to give nearby farmers a platform to connect with customers and sell their goods online. In addition to giving consumers the chance to buy fresh, locally farmed products, this will give farmers the chance to grow their customer base. Local farmers and customers will use this online application as its final users. The ability to create profiles, list their goods, and control inventories will be available to farmers. Customers will be able to conduct product searches, buy items, and offer reviews of the items they get. The web tool will also give farmers and customers a platform for contact so they can ask questions, discuss product availability, and bargain pricing.

    Part 2

    • The web application will be developed using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and PHP. The front-end design and layout of the web application will be done using HTML and CSS. For dynamic functionality and user interaction, JavaScript will be employed. The server-side functionality and back-end database management will be done with PHP. The web application will be made using a combination of all of these languages.

    Part 3

    • A shared hosting service like Bluehost or GoDaddy will host the website. Web application hosting may be done effectively and affordably using shared hosting. Along with a number of features and tools for controlling the web application, it offers a dependable, secure environment for hosting web applications.

    Part 4

    • A MySQL database will hold the data. The open source database management system MySQL is strong and suitable for web applications. It is a database system that offers a variety of functions for managing data and is dependable, secure, and simple to use.

    Part 5

    • A number of security measures, including SSL encryption, will be put in place to safeguard the data and guarantee the security of all transactions. To further ensure that only authorized users have access to the system, several authentication methods, including two-factor authentication, will be implemented. Additionally, thorough security testing will be done to make sure the system is impervious to any malicious attempts.

    Part 6

    • The goal of my project is to create an online marketplace where nearby farmers can connect with consumers and sell their goods. Farmers will be able to manage their inventories, list their products, and build profiles on this platform provided by the web application. Customers will be able to conduct product searches, buy items, and offer reviews of the items they get. The web tool will also give farmers and customers a platform for contact so they can ask questions, discuss product availability, and bargain pricing.

    Users should have the ability to add, delete, and edit items from the page or screen on which they performed the search in unit

Requirements: In depth | .doc file