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Individual Project Instructions (Website)

Professional Organization Website

1. Purpose:

The purpose of this project is to describe, design, and develop a Website prototype for a firm or

organization. This is an individual exercise and work in groups is not acceptable. However,

while the website design must be your own, students are encouraged to cooperate and help each

other in the technical aspects of the development including the use of website development


In the current business environment, a website is important in supporting the business and

carrying its message to the community it serves. The website carries the statement of mission and

purpose, and serves as an important marketing tool.

2. Project Instructions:

Select an actual or or make believe firm or organization. The organization can be a nonprofit or a

commercial enterprise. You are to build a prototype Website for that organization. You will find

that there are many Websites and tools on the internet that can help you do this. For example,

http://www.web.com, http://www.wix.com, or https://sites.google.com/ (and many other sites)

provide the ability to create free Websites. There are also tools available in University Computer

Labs such as Frontpage and Dreamweaver that can help you develop web pages and web sites.

Design and develop a prototype Website for the organization/firm. The objective of this

prototype will be to demonstrate the feasibility of the Website to firm management. The website

design, functionality, and content must be in sync with, and support, the mission, goals, and

objectives of the organization/firm (see section 3 below).

At a minimum, the Web Site must contain at least 3 Web pages. All Web pages must include a

navigation menu at the top and/or side of each web page. See the navigation menus on this Web

site for examples of how navigation menus might appear.

The Web site must be on a public server that the professor, or anyone else, can get to.

The Web pages must contain at least hyperlinks, images, and text. Your initials must be located

in the top left corner on each page.

The Web site must have a professional business look and feel (as opposed to personal). Your

Website design, navigation structure, and look and feel will be considered when determining

your grade. Website design strategies can be found at

http://www.webstyleguide.com/wsg3/index.html I strongly suggest that you review this

document. Also, spend some time looking at the designs of good business Web sites on the

internet especially for peer organizations in the same industry.

3. Complete Submission:

In addition to the published website, in a Word document submitted to Blackboard, provide the

following information:

At the top of the document's first page provide the full URL of the Website. Also, for full credit

type the URL into the 'comments' section of your upload.

Describe the organization or firm that the website is for. Discuss the mission, goals, and

objectives of the firm. Describe the goals and objectives of the website and how they support the

organization/firm. Note that the goals and objectives of the website should align with the goals

and objectives of the organization/firm. Then describe how the design, functionality, and content,

presented on your website support these goals and objectives. This write-up should be at least 1

page (single spaced, 1 inch margins, 12 point font). As always, the professionalism of your

document and writing will impact your grade.

4. Blackboard Submission:

Upload your MS Word document to the Blackboard "Submit_Assignments > Individual_Project"

link by the due date using WebProj_Lastname_Firstname for the filenames/upload titles.

Remember, for full credit, type the URL into the 'comments' section of your upload as well as in

your uploaded Word document.

5. Due date:

Near the end of the course see the course schedule web page. Suggestion is to start early and

not wait until just before it is due. Note: Do not submit this project until the week that the project

is due.