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What evidence or reasons does the filmmaker use to appeal to logic?

The paper should be 3-5 pages, double-spaced. The paper must be three pages at a minimum, not two pages, and a few sentences on page 3 of the paper. In addition, the paper should not exceed 5 pages, however, if you need to include 6 pages, thats not a problem. Points will be deducted if the page requirement is missing or not adequately included in the paper.

  You are required to create a Works Cited page listing the Omi and Winant reading and the three films. The Works Cited title should be placed in the center and does not count as one of the required pages in the paper. See the MLA instructions.   Make sure that every page, including the Works Cited page, has your last name and the page number in the right corner: Smith 1, Smith 2, Smith 3, Smith 4, Smith 5, etc.   Make sure to use Times New Roman, 12 pt. font or a similar font, throughout the paper   Make sure to use the OWL Purdue MLA format for your paper in regards to margins, font, double-space requirements, and in-text citations

  Make sure to indent each paragraph. The thesis must be underlined and should be placed in the last sentence of the first paragraph. Prompt: For Paper #1, you are to summarize the Omi and Winant theory that race is not biological, it is a social construction. You are then to select one film clip from the list and explain how the film you selected best exemplifies the Omi and Winant theory through the use of rhetorical appeals: logos, ethos, and pathos. For Paper #1, you must demonstrate that you are to be able to (1) summarize Omi and Winants theory using evidence from the text and (2) evaluate one film that you believe is the best option and two films that you believe are not the best options, in order to persuade an audience that race is not biological, it is a social construction.  

For Paper #1, you are to use the three rhetorical appeals (logos, ethos, pathos) as the method to evaluate all three films, however, spend more time in the paper evaluating the film that you believe is the best option and explain why the other two are not the best options in response to the prompt. For example, the second two options might both rely on pathos and not on the other appeals. Just state that as your reasoning and provide timestamps as evidence from the two other films. Use the rhetorical appeals as the method to help you with your reasoning as you explain why you selected the best option film and why you did not select the other two films.

  For the thesis, you must state why you believe the selected film best exemplifies the Omi and Winant concept that race is not biological, it is a social construction through the use of rhetorical appeals: logos, ethos, and pathos. The thesis must be an argument and not an observation. Argue that your selected film best exemplifies the Omi and Winant theory and state a reason based on the rhetorical appeals. Do not overload the thesis with all three films. Make sure to focus on the best option film. You are to include the other two films in the Argument section of the paper.

To earn full credit, the thesis must be in the first paragraph and you must underline the thesis. You must use first-person wording (i.e., In my view/I believe that/I will argue that/The thesis should be the last sentence of the introduction paragraph in the paper.   Reminders: While some of the movie clips deal with a wide variety of different historical contexts, keep in mind that all of the movie clips are made for a contemporary audience of scholars who are similarly using YouTube to study the movies. While some of the films are informative and others are re-enactments and entertaining, select the film that you believe is the best option to respond to the prompt.

Make sure to include at least two other movie clips and explain why you are not selecting them for the paper. In other words, you should have a minimum of three films in your response. Although you can include the Golash-Boza and Cretney films to help you summarize the Omi and Winant reading, you cannot use them in the Argument component section of the paper. To earn full credit, you must include timestamps for all three films when using film evidence from the movies (i.e., The Indian Removal Act 2:00.) In addition, you can use your previous reading responses to help you summarize Omi and Winant and your previous film responses to help you examine one film.

That said, the paper is a new project and you are to include and cite a lot more evidence as part of the formal paper. In other words, do not simply recycle your reading and film responses. Make sure to monitor the Turnitin report. Do not include any additional research for the paper. Do your own work as a writer.           List of Films   Required Films: Select the most important film and two of the least important films   The Indian Problem  YouTube, uploaded by SmithsonianNMAI, 2015, www.youtube.com/watch?v=if-BOZgWZPE     The U.S.- Mexican-American War  YouTube, uploaded by PBS, 1998, htps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g9k3hJOlOiY    

The Ultimate Guide to the Presidents: The Civil War and A Nation Divided  YouTube, uploaded by History.com, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b7D_tmyTSvU   USC vs. Alabama/Sam Cunningham 1970  YouTube, uploaded by ESPN College Football, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SsvekPkjM54   Thurgood Marshall and Brown v. The Board of Education  YouTube, uploaded by NBC Learn, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8GBs8es4bqE   Borderlands S2 E1 YouTube, uploaded by KCET/YouTube, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ty-yF1eSwH4&list=PLWu5ajp6Zk8c22IbTTF49HITJLuOM8HMv&index=15     Suggested Films: The two films are only to be used in the Summary component section     Racial Formation Theory YouTube, uploaded by Tanya Golash-Boza/UC Merced/YouTube, https:/www.youtube.com/watch?v=4f7Pe5bO82E   Racial Formation YouTube, uploaded by Carly Cretney/CSU Fullerton/YouTube, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=infU5cQLYRg          

  Cinematic Strategies: Use of Rhetorical Appeals     For Paper #1, you are to use the three rhetorical appeals (logos, ethos, pathos) as the method to evaluate all three films, however, spend more time in the paper evaluating the film that you believe is the best option and explain why the other two are not the best options in response to the prompt. For example, the second two options might both rely on pathos and not on the other appeals. Just state that as your reasoning and provide timestamps as evidence from the two other films. Use the rhetorical appeals as the method to help you with your reasoning as you explain why you selected the best option film and why you did not select the other two films.

    Make sure to use all three rhetorical appeals: logos, ethos, and pathos, as you consider the Omi and Winant theory that race is not biological, it is a social construction. You are then to select one film clip from the list and explain how the film you selected best exemplifies the Omi and Winant theory through the use of rhetorical appeals: logos, ethos, and pathos, in your response to Paper #1 prompt. If the film you selected focuses more on one of the appeals than others, make sure to make that clear in your response.

To earn full credit, make sure to examine all of the rhetorical appeals that are operating in your selected film, in your response to the prompt. You must include three films in your response and use the rhetorical appeals and timestamps to explain why you selected the best option film and why you did not select the other two movie. As you have done in the film responses, make sure to use some of the next visual components from the film clips to help you in your response: music, acting, narration, special sound effects, special visual effects, photographs, paintings, drawings, color, animation, and editing of the visuals.

  What evidence or reasons does the filmmaker use to appeal to logic? (logos) How does the filmmaker establish his/her authority or knowledge of the material? (ethos) How does the filmmaker connect to the viewers/audiences emotions? (pathos)   Provide an example with a timestamp (i.e., The Indian Removal Act: 2:00) to provide evidence in your response. You must cite film evidence in your response.       Structure of the Paper   First, you will introduce the academic conversation.

You are to write an introductory paragraph in which you explain that your paper is regarding the Omi and Winant theory that race is not biological, it is a social construction and a selected film that best exemplifies their theory.   Next, explain that in the paper you will select one film from the list of movies and that you will explain why the film you selected best exemplifies the Omi and Winant theory through the use of rhetorical appeals: logos, ethos, and pathos. Use a sentence to state why the film you selected is the best option for the paper  

Next, explain that you will include two additional films that you have examined using through the use of rhetorical appeals, that you believe are not the best options to respond to the prompt. Do not overload the first paragraph summarizing the Omi and Winant reading and discussing all of the movies. The Introduction paragraph is designed to introduce the academic conversation.

Just focus on formally introducing Omi and Winant and the three film clips with their formal titles. Then, place the thesis at the end of the introduction.   For the thesis, you must state why you believe the selected film best exemplifies the Omi and Winant concept that race is not biological, it is a social construction through the use of rhetorical appeals: logos, ethos, and pathos. The thesis must be an argument and not an observation. Argue that your selected film best exemplifies the Omi and Winant theory and state a reason based on the rhetorical appeals.

Do not overload the thesis with all three films. Make sure to focus on the best option film. You are to include the other two films in the Argument section of the paper. To earn full credit, the thesis must be in the first paragraph and you must underline the thesis. You must use first-person wording (i.e., In my view/I believe that/I will argue that/The thesis should be the last sentence of the introduction paragraph in the paper.  

Second (Summary component section They say), practice writing a summary of Omi and Winants theory of racial formation. You can use your previous reading responses to help you summarize their work. To earn full credit, you must summarize the Omi and Winant reading. They argue that race is not biological, it is a social construction. Although you can include the Golash-Boza and Cretney films to help you summarize the Omi and Winant reading, you cannot use them in the Argument component section of the paper.

 Provide 2-3 examples from the Omi and Winant reading regarding their argument that race is not biological, it is a social construction, and cite evidence in your response.   To earn full credit for summarizing a well-known theory, you must not state any opinions of their work. As you read in the Graff and Birkenstein reading, the objective in an academic conversation is to explain the They say component, in your work.

Make sure to focus on the examples Omi and Winant provide in the reading. Using the summary component, you are to summarize the Omi and Winant theory to help prepare for the Argument component, I say component, in your work.   Third (Argument component section I say), practice writing an argument based on evidence to support your thesis. In this section, you are to provide cinematic evidence from the three films and explain why the film you selected best exemplifies the Omi and Winant theory through the use of rhetorical appeals: logos, ethos, and pathos.

Although you can reference the Golash-Boza and Cretney films to help you summarize the Omi and Winant reading, you cannot use them in the Argument component section of the paper. Use a sentence to state why the film you selected is the best option for the paper. You are to use first-person wording and freely discuss why the film you selected is the best option from the list of movies. Make sure to include two other films and use your reasoning based on the rhetorical appeals to explain why they are not the best options to demonstrate the Omi and Winant theory in the paper.

You must include rhetorical appeals and timestamps to evaluate all three movies. In addition, explain why the scenes you have selected are good examples of the rhetorical appeals in your response.   Fourth, include a conclusion in which you restate in a sentence that Omi and Winant are arguing that race is not biological, it is a social construction. Then, restate in a sentence why you selected your movie and why the other two films are not the best options. Finally, in a third sentence, restate why the film you selected best exemplifies the Omi and Winant theory that race is not biological, it is a social construction to conclude the paper.   MLA Citation:   Make sure to create a Works Cited page and it should be placed in the center in the paper. You will include the following information, the Omi and Winant reading, and three films.

Make sure to use MLA format for the Omi and Winant reading and the three films. If you use either the Golash-Boza film or the Cretney film in the Summary component section, you must cite the films in the paper. The Works Cited page does not count as one of the pages required for the first paper. You must title the page, Works Cited, in the paper       Works Cited   Omi, Michael, and Howard Winant. Racial Formations. Racial Formation in the United States, 2nd ed., New York: Routledge, 1994.       List of Films   Required Films