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Below is the report essay question:
Report a case (4000-words (100% of module, 100% of grade). For summative assessment students will then be required to write a report on a case discussed within clinical supervision. This will require students to link the theories learnt within the module to their clinical practice.

Work must be word-processed. Students are advised to use a current version of Microsoft Word as this ensures compatibility with University systems using a standard font such as Ariel in size 12.

All assessed work must have a front sheet. Complete all the details on the front sheet not completing all the details could result in a failure through non-submission as your assignment will not be logged in correctly. Late-submission of work will incur a penalty. Include your student ID, your name, your word count, and course/year/cohort you are in.

Work should have 1.5 2 line spacing, this makes it easier for the reader.

Care should be taken over presentation of work; this includes grammar, spelling and punctuation. Make sure each page is numbered electronically at the bottom of the page on the right hand-side.

The number of words of each piece of work must be indicated on the front sheet. It should be noted that students will be penalised for more than 10% deviation from the required word limit. Any excess may be disregarded according to the Universitys Coursework and Examinations Regulations.
Clinical supervision is module where we talk about what happened in clinical placement, it has to be mentioned in the introduction that what we are writing about was discussed in clinical supervision and we briefly state what other students opinion were.
Please can you kindly write on a service user with schizophrenia,she is a female on section 3 of the MHA, General observation In an acute female ward. No known physical health condition. Currently on section 17 leave.