+1 (845) 317-8489 [email protected]

First, Type a one page paper on your opinion of the Nursing care of one of the movies.
Spelling error and grammar errors will be a lose of 2.5 points each.
12 pt font, Times Roman, 1.5 line spacing with no more than in margins.
Paper must be typed in word and word only. Emailed ON THE DUE DATE to

Directions: Answer the following questions for these two movies. Please use a different color other than black to answer.

Wonderfollows the inspiring story of the Pullman family, whose youngest child, Auggie, is a boy born with facial differences. When Auggie enters mainstreameducation.

Five Feet Apart
FiveFeet Apart follow seventeen-year-old Stella Grant spends much of her time living in a hospital as a cystic fibrosis patient.

The set of questions are very movie specific, please dont guess at the answers. This is individual work, not a group project. Just print the questions, watch the movie, and then create a word oc. Both movies spend a large portion on time working through the pediatric medical complications, and disease processes. I wanted you to have an assignment that you could take a brief period and enjoy a minute of time. I found both movies in several platforms for free. YouTube, 123movies, Disney, amazon prime, Hulu as well as other platforms. If you are unable to view I will be showing the movies in room 203 from 3:30 to 4:30 each week.

What is Treacher Collins?

What is the difference in Treacher Collins and mandibulofacial dysostosis?

What are the co-morbities?

What are 2 actual nursing diagnosis for mandibulofacial dysostosis?

What are 2 At Risk nursing diagnosis for mandibulofacial dysostosis?

What are 2 short term goals based on your nursing diagnosis and this child?

What are 2 long term goals based on your nursing diagnosis and this child?
One of Auggie’s teachers challenges the kids: “When given the choice between being right, or being kind, choose kind.” Choosing kind becomes a central theme. What does that mean to you?

Auggies face is not fully described until quite far on into the movie, when Auggies appearance is described, how did the descriiption of Auggie, compare to your own ideas of how Auggie might have looked?

What are your thoughts about the teachers statement that Auggie is handicapped?

Do you think she is correct in saying that asking ordinary children, such as Julian, to befriend Auggie places a burden on them? Why

5ft Apart Analysis Guide
What is CF?

What are the co-morbities?

What are 2 actual nursing diagnosis for CF?

What are 2 short term goals based on your nursing dx and this patient?

What are 2 long term goals based on your nursing diagnosis and this child?

What are some of the medical care this patient and those like her are going to need in the future? Must list at least 3.

How is CF diagnosed, name specific diagnostic test and why?

What is the life expectancy with CF?

What are the treatment goals?

How does a hospital stay look or feel different than what the movie portrays? Be specific.

What is the Cross-Infect Consequences?

Why cant people with CF be near each other? Please explain.
The movie focuses on being able to physically be close to people you care about. How do you feel about the six feet rule with the present NIH issues?

What tools do we specifically as nurses use to prevent illness and the spread of infections, what is used and when and why

What did you learn from the movie regarding transplants?