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Lit review notes for the writer: Pay attention to the instructions in red.

The lit review has to have a design method section (even sample size needs to be addressed), a design section, a study procedure section, a statistical plan section, etc. (see below).

Tips for a successful lit review:>

The lit review gives the reader grounding on the research and why it is needed. The purpose of the lit review is to get everyone reading n the same page. Give a comprehensive overview – what is known about the topic and what is NOT known. Set this part up for the Rationale section.

The lit review establishes the author as an expert. It lays out what is being studied. What is the theoretical framework for why you are studying what you are studying? Make sure the theory flows through; it must match the methodology (qualitative), analysis, and design methods.


A lit review adds value to what is being done (the study)

Do not cherry-pick, and do not leave out articles because you disagree with the theoretical framework. You CAN NOT leave out key works. You include the article but mention why you are clarifying in your rationale.

A lit review does include contrary articles of other authors approaches to findings.

IF THE LIT REVIEW IS FLAWED, OTHER SECTIONS WILL BE FLAWED! Most lit reviews are underdeveloped, and this is not good!

A lit review should not look like an amputated annotated bibliography.

A lit review Should have original interpretational perspectives.
A lit review has to be up to date. It can have older articles but should have newer articles as well.

A lit review should be comprehensive, systematic, and current.

Do not cite articles over and over again!

Sometimes you cite articles in different sections, but it is rare.

A lit review should go from general > to specific.

A typical background section should have sprouting studies.

In a lit review, it should b the following.
Intro – scope & structure
Narrower category of research
Categories/studies closest to your research (leads to your research question)
Hypothesis statement

Then lit review leads to the last section: the rationale and purpose. The rationale is NOT a summary!

The lit review should allow a reader to know why they are reading the lit review – they should know what will be done and why.

A lit review is a bridge to the rationale.

A lit review tells what has been done, where the gap is, and the phenomenon is happening to why I am doing the research – why I wrote this?

A lit review restates what and why I am doing this at the end of it.

Need quality source material.