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One in five people in the United States have a sexually transmitted infection (STI), totaling near 68 million in 2018. Half of the new STIs in 2018 were among youth aged 1524( CDC-STI statistics). Approximately 1.2 million people in the U.S. are living with HIV today. About 14 percent of them (1 in 7) dont know it and need testing. HIV continues to have a disproportionate impact on certain populations, particularly racial and ethnic minorities, and gay and bisexual men (HIV trends and statistics).
Because STIs and HIV are preventable, significant reductions in new infections are not only possible, they are urgently needed. Prevention can minimize the negative, long-term consequences of STIs and HIV, and reduce healthcare costs. Shame and stigma around STDs make talking about having one challenging. Without the ability to communicate about STDs, young people are not able to make and follow through on healthy decisions and may be put at risk of sexually transmitted infections, including HIV.
Please research STIs & HIV in the United States and answer the following questions.
Think about the social, cultural, and economic conditions that make it more difficult for some sexually active people to stay healthy. What may they be in regards to HIV and STIs? Which STIs have long-term consequences? What should prevention efforts focus on for STIs and HIV? Lastly, describe two ways to talk to a partner about having an STD.