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Two options for the semester project:
1. You will have the opportunity to take what you have learned during the semester and apply it to a hypothetical event. For this event, you will take the role of a Special Agent focused on counterterrorism. It will be your responsibility to help train other agents on what to look for to stop would-be terrorists from being successful in their goals. To do this, you will have to help your agents understand the motivations of these groups (ie. Left-wing extremists, right-wing extremists, religious, separatist, and transnational groups), and how they function in communications, logistics, and financing. How and why they choose targets and their chosen methods of producing terror. What opportunities these agents must look for and act upon to stop both known and unknown groups or individuals? The details you provide should be housed in prior research, learning from our course, and agency materials from within our government. The more you can teach the safer our nation will be. Good luck.
(IN OTHER WORDS: basically damages that happen doing your mission, do you have insurances to cover those damages. ei car accident, our building was burn did you factor those cost in. read the direction very carefully. resources, will you be using security teams, other members that are not in the fbi how much you budget for them, and so on. the whole plan need to be budget for and have insurances coverage.)
2. Much conversation and debate exist in the world of law enforcement and counterterrorism as to the best way to look at and try to address terrorism and terrorist actions. Many discuss how terrorists do not think or act like criminals, yet we find they often look to criminal organizations for help with logistics, weapons, money laundering, and people moving.
What you will do is explore the relationship between transnational criminal organizations and terrorist organizations. Determine when where and how they combine or overlap and what methods of intervention would you recommend be implemented to minimize terrorist organizations effectiveness.
Your paper will be 1000+ words and show a demonstration of what you have learned this term and should include scholarly journals, government websites, and the textbook. It will be delivered with an APA cover page, Reference page, and have in-text citations where needed. However, the body can be presented as a traditional APA journal article, research paper, a training document, or a round table discussion among the trainees and yourself. Be creative. This is what we do in the field.
By looking at the process of why you pick events, how you pick events, what is needed for them to happen, and where we can look to intervene as law enforcement it is my hope that you will have demonstrated a greater understanding of the application of the theoretical information learned in this course and be that much stronger in your ability to be one to protect our nation in the future.
Your submissions should present supporting information relevant to the topic (do not plagiarize, use in-text citations and references in APA style). You are expected to use APA 7th edition formatting for your submission, if you are unfamiliar with it, look it up. Each work should have at least four sources used in response. Homework is provided as a learning opportunity, the lack of sources to define, support, or contradict a submission position lacks academic value.