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Rough draft of paper is attached with information and sources. Need at least 2 more sources but 4-5 would be better. Since I have already provided most sources I expect you to find these last sources. Any additional information to be added to the paragraphs would be great as this is a rough draft. Thank you for your time and work!
Look for 9+ sources representing a range of positions in the three categories, Support, Counterargument, and Alternative, on this topic. Make sure that these sources are all published within the last 5 years so that they give an up-to-date view of this contemporary issue. These three categories display the 360 degree range of alternative views on this topic, and one or more of them will at least be the basis for your upcoming Argument.
III. Cite each of these sources MLA style, but annotate them by summarizing their central points and answering the following annotation questions:
A. What puzzles, interests, and/or intrigues you about this source?
B. What is the research question your source is attempting to answer? Just as your Annotated Bibliography and this project begins with a guiding research question, so do your sources. What is it the author wants to answer in his or her project represented by this article?
C. Did the source answer its research question totally, in part, or not at all?
D. What is the central thesis of this source? How persuasive was it?
Take one paragraph of 4-8 sentences to answer these questions for each of your 9+ sources.
The 4 Annotation questions I have provided here are the standard set that could apply to just about any source you would ever encounter. However, the responses to those questions largely depend on the category in which the source is located in your project. For instance, a Support source is backing up your basic position, so it should be as persuasive as possible and answer a research question as efficiently as possible. By contrast, a Counterargument source should not be persuasive when it comes to your position, and it should not be the ultimate answer to any research question. Your Annotations of these sources may change where they fit in these categories, so have an open mind as you weigh the arguments in all these sources. One of the biggest acts of revision for an Annotated Bibliography is a reassignment of the use and categories of these sources in this evolving project.
IV. Find at least three sources to back up a position that you support and summarize the factual background they provide. These should be quantitative number and research facts. These are listed in a category labeled Support.
V. What are the major opposing positions? Cite at least 3+ sources that represent that side. Summarize the facts they provide in a category labeled Counterargument.
VI. What are sources that represent other positions rather than pro-con (generally, combinations and hybrids of the support and opposition positions)? What are previous attempts to solve this problem that have been argued for and/or tried? What can you learn from failures in the past to solve this ongoing problem? Cite and annotate 3 of those as well for your Alternatives.