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Learning Goal: I’m working on a white papers writing question and need a sample draft to help me learn.

Please write a 2-3 page paper answering these questions:

Current neurological techniques allow for the erasure of potentially negative memories. Discuss whether you agree that a person should have the ability to erase adverse memories. In your answer, be sure to include a treatment of the following issues:

How is your answer related to the severity of the unpleasantness, i.e, should a person have the ability to erase any memory they choose?

How would you decide on which memories should be erased?

If you feel that erasure of memories should not be allowed: What if a memory is so negative that it seriously impacts a persons ability to function in life? For example, they have PTSD and can no longer leave their house?

What about specific components of a memory? For example, the fear or terror associated with a specific past event?