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Why did you register for the class and what are you hoping to get out of this course?

PART TWO: For the second part of your first homework post, we want you to share with us a little about yourself and begin thinking more deeply about your current and future use of resilience skills. Respond to ALL of the following questions and prompts below in a 2 page reflection (2 double space pages total writing). Do not copy and paste the questions in your response. Why did you register for the class and what are you

hoping to get out of this course? What are some of the things you currently do that you feel help your resilience? For example, what do you do to help make yourself feel positive emotions? What do you do when you encounter stress? How might you imagine using skills for resilience will help your life going forward? What is one thing that resonated with you from lecture this week, particularly from the lecture material?

What do you still have questions about (if anything)? Also describe any initial doubts or concerns you have about this class. Please share anything else you would like us to know about you. PART THREE: For the third part of the homework post, write a half page reflection (6-8 sentences) sharing something that happened during the last week that makes you excited for the coming term. This DOES NOT need to be

related to this class AT ALL. PART FOUR: For the fourth part of the homework post, we want you to reflect on the reading for both this past week and this upcoming next week and the associated videos(. Please answer the following questions in a half page reflection (6-8 sentences): Identify one way you can see this content helping you going forward. Do you have any clarification questions about the reading? GRADING

STANDARDS Your post is worth a possible 10 points. To receive the full 10 points for this post, you must respond to ALL parts of ALL reflection, totaling around 3-4 double spaced pages. Be honest; part of the goal of these posts is to have an opportunity to receive feedback and support

from the TAs, who have experience with using these skills and coaching on the use of them. Your grade is NOT based on how “well” you used the skills, but rather on how much we can see you reflected on the skills/content and have thought about how it applies to your life. Incomplete or late responses will be docked points.