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How does the proposal open? Will it capture readers interest? Does it make clear what problem will be addressed and give some sense of why it matters?

How else might it begin? Does the title tell readers what the proposal is about, and will it make them want to know more?
Is the problem described in enough detail?

Will any readers need more information to understand that its a problem that matters?

Have you said anything about its causes and consequencesand if not, do you need to?
Is the proposed solution explicit and compelling?

Have you provided enough evidence to show that its feasible and will address the problemand that its better than other possible solutions? Is there an explicit statement of what it will accomplish?
How would you characterize the style?

Is it appropriate for your intended audience? Consider the choice of words, the level of formality, and so on.
How does the proposal conclude?

Will it inspire the change or action youre calling for? How else might it conclude?