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Write a Clinical Narrative that illustrates how you used critical thinking skills updated 2023

Write a Clinical Narrative that illustrates how you used critical thinking skills and how you applied the nursing process.

the problem you identified, prevented, monitored and/or assessed State the significance of the clinical situation

Describe the steps you took to: Intervene Evaluate Communicate/Educate Evaluate the positive short-term and long-term results of the intervention in one or more

of the following categories: Risk reduction for patients Role model leadership RN mentoring Staff education

Write a summary paragraph telling how this situation changed your practice, or the care of patients, or the care of patients on a larger scale. 

A Clinical Narrative

is a compelling story that illustrates the application of critical thinking skills in a healthcare setting. It demonstrates how healthcare professionals analyze complex situations, make informed decisions, and deliver high-quality patient care. In this narrative, I will discuss a specific scenario where I utilized critical thinking skills to address a challenging clinical situation.

During my clinical rotation in a hospital emergency department, a patient was admitted with multiple symptoms, including chest pain, shortness of breath, and dizziness. The patient’s vital signs were unstable, and the cause of the symptoms was initially unclear. As a nurse, I had to quickly assess the situation and prioritize the appropriate actions.

Firstly, I gathered a thorough medical history from the patient, including any pre-existing conditions or recent medication changes. I also performed a comprehensive physical examination to identify any potential underlying causes. By actively listening to the patient’s concerns and observing their symptoms, I collected valuable information to guide my critical thinking process.

Next, I collaborated with the healthcare team, including physicians and specialists, to discuss the patient’s condition and potential diagnoses. We engaged in a dialogue, sharing our observations, assessments, and different perspectives. This collaborative approach allowed us to generate multiple hypotheses and consider various treatment options.

To further evaluate the patient’s condition, I coordinated and interpreted diagnostic tests, such as an electrocardiogram and blood work. By analyzing the results and comparing them to the patient’s symptoms, I narrowed down the possible causes and ruled out certain conditions.

Critical thinking also involved continuously reassessing the patient’s response to interventions. As the patient’s condition evolved, I adapted the care plan accordingly and sought input from the healthcare team. This iterative process of reflection and adjustment ensured that we were providing the most appropriate and effective care.

In the end, critical thinking played a pivotal role in the successful management of the patient’s condition. By utilizing a systematic and evidence-based approach, I was able to identify the root cause of the symptoms—an acute cardiac event—and promptly initiate appropriate interventions, including medication administration and arranging for a cardiac consult.

This Clinical Narrative highlights the importance of critical thinking in healthcare. It showcases the ability to collect and analyze data, collaborate with the healthcare team, interpret diagnostic information, and make informed decisions in a time-sensitive and high-stakes environment. By applying critical thinking skills, healthcare professionals can enhance patient outcomes and deliver safe, effective, and patient-centered care


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