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Learning Goal: I’m working on a writing discussion question and need the explanation and answer to help me learn.

From the text on the history of one or more disciplines, fire, police, or EMS, discuss some aspect of the history of the discipline that you found most surprising and/or which you believe is not widely understoodeither within or outside of the discipline.

See if you can draw any parallels between how an issue was handled historically and how it is handled today.

Finally, is there an aspect of how issues were handled historically that you can see as being potentially better than the way we handle them today or, perhaps, does the history of how an issue was handled lead you to better understand why it is handled the way it is today?

Must captivate all questions above.

  • Note: Expectations for discussions have recently been updated. Students should review the discussion rubric at the beginning of the class. Generally, the most important factors related to a student getting the most points possible for weekly discussion posts and responses are:
    • Content of original post: your instructor will be looking for you to articulate into at least one well stated post response, a demonstration that you understand the weekly material/subject and possess a command of that material/subject. In addition, the expectation is that you display critical thinking skills by bringing into the discussion at least three relevant resources and that your post(s) will promote significant further thought on the topic.
    • Timeliness of original post: your instructor will be looking for you to post original discussions by day two (2) of the academic week.
      • Note: the readings and discussions are open from the start of the class so if your time is limited at the beginning of the week, consider reading/working ahead to meet this goal.
    • Peer response content/weekly involvement in discussion board: Your instructor will be looking for you to engage in discussions with at least three (3) peers. During each of those engagements, your instructor will expect you to build on or respectfully refute the author’s position while displaying exemplary critical thinking skills.
    • Timeliness of peer posts: your instructor will be looking for you to post peer discussions by day three (3) of the academic week.
    • Adherence to Discussion Forum Standards and Guidelines: your instructor will be looking for you to follow all required standards (i.e. APA format; grammar; citations; references, other standards as required).

    Referrences listed below

This is the Emergency First Aid and Medical Care chapter of the famous 1966 report, Accidental Death and Disability: The Neglected Disease of Modern Society. This report, with its pronouncement that, expert consultants returning from both Korea and Vietnam have publicly asserted that, if seriously wounded, their chances of survival would be better in the zone of combat than on the average city street, is said to be the impetus behind the United States modern Emergency Medical Services. Students interested in any discipline within Public safety should be able to recognize in this report, the driving force behind some, if not many, of the modern practices in their preferred field. Before reading the article, know that the U.S. Bureau of Transportation statistics explains that there were 18,000 fewer traffic fatalities in 2019 than in 1966 despite the fact that the U.S. population numbered 60% fewer in 1966 and there were two-third fewer vehicles on the road.

This is an eight-page article by Dr. Manish Shah printed in the American Journal of Public Health in 2006. Regardless of the discipline students are in or studying to be in, a basic understanding of the history of all fields to include EMS is important for administrators in Public safety.

This article discusses the development of municipal fire departments in London and in the United States. The author explains the interesting contrast between the development of fire departments in London as arms of fire insurance industry after the Great Fire and the emergence of volunteer fire companies in the United States. The very different origins of fire departments in the two countries produced unique economic and social perspectives that profoundly influenced the development of modern municipal fire departments in the two countries.

The twenty-seven-page article by Eric H. Monkkonen from 1993 provides great insight into the development of modern policing. Considering where society is today and the struggles faced by all disciplines in public safety, students should be interested to see in this article that weve dealt with most of them before.

This short article in Popular Mechanics from 2017 provides some additional details about the formation of the 911 emergency system and goes on to touch on the system in modern times.

This is the Emergency First Aid and Medical Care chapter of the famous 1966 report, Accidental Death and Disability: The Neglected Disease of Modern Society. This report, with its pronouncement that, expert consultants returning from both Korea and Vietnam have publicly asserted that, if seriously wounded, their chances of survival would be better in the zone of combat than on the average city street, is said to be the impetus behind the United States modern Emergency Medical Services. Students interested in any discipline within Public safety should be able to recognize in this report, the driving force behind some, if not many, of the modern practices in their preferred field. Before reading the article, know that the U.S. Bureau of Transportation statistics explains that there were 18,000 fewer traffic fatalities in 2019 than in 1966 despite the fact that the U.S. population numbered 60% fewer in 1966 and there were two-third fewer vehicles on the road.

This is an eight-page article by Dr. Manish Shah printed in the American Journal of Public Health in 2006. Regardless of the discipline students are in or studying to be in, a basic understanding of the history of all fields to include EMS is important for administrators in Public safety.

This article discusses the development of municipal fire departments in London and in the United States. The author explains the interesting contrast between the development of fire departments in London as arms of fire insurance industry after the Great Fire and the emergence of volunteer fire companies in the United States. The very different origins of fire departments in the two countries produced unique economic and social perspectives that profoundly influenced the development of modern municipal fire departments in the two countries.

The twenty-seven-page article by Eric H. Monkkonen from 1993 provides great insight into the development of modern policing. Considering where society is today and the struggles faced by all disciplines in public safety, students should be interested to see in this article that weve dealt with most of them before.

This short article in Popular Mechanics from 2017 provides some additional details about the formation of the 911 emergency system and goes on to touch on the system in modern times