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Learning Goal: I’m working on a english writing question and need support to help me learn.

Please find five or six websites that are relevant to your topic and that you can use as evidence. Again review the full paper assignment to get a sense of where the essay is headed. Find sources that are reliable and appropriate. There is a lot of leeway here. Give some thought to whether it would be reasonable to trust the information. For each website, present a summary of the relevant information and explain how you will use it in your essay. Provide a link to each website. The research summary should be 500 words.

The following is the article summary to be used for the above assignment. In his groundbreaking book “What Technology Wants,” Kevin Kelly explores the intriguing concept that technology possesses its own inherent desires and trajectory. Drawing upon his extensive experience in technology and astute observations of culture, Kelly delves deep into the nature of technology and its profound influence on human society.

Kelly begins by asserting that technology is not solely a product of human creation but a natural extension of life itself. He argues that technology exhibits its own set of “wants” or tendencies that drive its evolution. These inclinations include the desire for increasing opportunities, complexity, diversity, emergence, specialization, and even the potential for sentience. Kelly proposes that technology follows patterns similar to those observed in biological evolution, constantly progressing and diversifying.

Throughout the book, Kelly takes readers on a captivating journey through the historical trajectory of technology. From primitive tools to complex modern-day innovations, he traces the development of technology over time. Kelly highlights the presence of feedback loops, where each technological iteration builds upon and influences subsequent advancements. He contends that technology’s evolution is not a linear path but a complex and interconnected network of progress.

Acknowledging the dual nature of technology’s impact on society, Kelly explores both its positive and negative consequences. While he acknowledges the discomfort and disruption that technological advancements may bring, he argues that, on the whole, technology creates more opportunities and benefits for humanity. He emphasizes that even unintended consequences often lead to new innovations and solutions, driving progress further.

The book delves into various domains profoundly influenced by technology, including economics, culture, and ecology. Kelly illustrates how technology shapes and transforms these domains, influencing societal structures, norms, and behaviors. He explores topics such as artificial intelligence, genetic engineering, and the internet, offering profound insights into the profound impact of these innovations on human existence.

Throughout his exploration, Kelly stresses the need for a deliberate and thoughtful approach to engaging with technology. He urges individuals to understand and align technology’s inherent tendencies with human values and goals. By recognizing and harnessing technology’s potential while considering its consequences, Kelly argues that we can shape a positive future and harness technology’s power for the betterment of humanity.

In conclusion, “What Technology Wants” presents a thought-provoking and groundbreaking perspective on the nature of technology. Kelly’s profound insights challenge our preconceived notions, highlighting technology as an autonomous force with its own desires and evolutionary path. The book invites readers to reflect on the intricate relationship between technology and humanity, as well as the potential and challenges that lie ahead in our increasingly technology-driven world. By understanding and engaging with technology’s inherent tendencies, we can navigate its transformative impact and shape a future that aligns with our values and aspirations.