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Learning Goal: I’m working on a writing question and need the explanation and answer to help me learn.

To complete the assignment, complete the following steps:

  1. Step 1: Review the Reaction Paper Questions
  2. Step 2: Complete Each Part of Activity Instructions
  3. Step 3: Write Your Paper

Step 1: Review the Reaction Paper Questions

  1. What is one reaction you had to Julia and another reaction you had to Noah? Next, what are at least two specific ways (behaviors you can see or hear that are explicit examples extending beyond the general guidelines presented in the book) you could include Julia, Noah, or other people who encounter challenges associated with their attention into leisure services? Include at least one citation of the textbook connecting your response to information from the book.
  2. What is one reaction you had to Steven and another reaction you had to Gabby? Next, what are at least two specific ways (behaviors you can see or hear that are explicit examples extending beyond the general guidelines presented in the book) you could include Steven, Gabby, or other people who encounter challenges associated with their organizational skills into leisure services? Include at least one citation of the textbook connecting your response to information from the book.
  3. What are at least three specific ways (behaviors you can see or hear that are explicit examples extending beyond the general guidelines presented in the book) you could implement to include people in leisure services who have reduction of sight resulting from the five conditions depicted in the simulation (glaucoma, cataracts, diabetic retinopathy, presbyopia, and macular degeneration). Include at least one citation of the textbook connecting your response to information from the book.
  4. Select one and identify one of the five conditions associated with vision reduction presented in the simulation. What influences does the condition have on someones vision? What are two specific adaptions you could make to include a person with such a condition into an activity session in which you are leading? Include at least one citation of the textbook connecting your response to information from the book.
  5. What are ways you could include people into leisure services who have mild, moderate, or severe hearing loss in four different contexts (conversations, meeting, crowd, and restaurant)?

Once you have reviewed the questions, refer to the following Activity Instructions as you answer each of the Reaction Paper Questions for completing this assignment. Once you have completed the Sensory Simulations Activity, then come back and answer the questions based on your experiences as you write your Sensory Simulations Reaction Paper.

You may want to address the questions as you complete each part of the activity as this may make it easier as you are writing your paper.

Step 2: Complete Each Part of Activity Instructions

Complete the following parts for the Sensory Simulations Activity:

  1. Part 1: Through Your Childs Eyes
  2. Part 2: Versant Health Vision Loss Simulator
  3. Part 3: Starkey Hearing Technology


Part 1: Through Your Childs Eyes

Use the following steps to answer the questions for the Sensory Simulations Reaction Paper, by visiting the website, Through Your Childs Eyes.

  1. Access the website, .
  2. Scroll down to Attention Challenges.
  3. Click on the Attention Challenges video titled Julia, and watch the video.
  4. Click on the Attention Challenges video titled Noah, and watch the video.
  5. Scroll down to Organization Challenges.
  6. Click on the Organizational Challenges video titled Steven, and watch the video.
  7. Click on the Organizational Challenges video titled Gabby, and watch the video.

Part 2: Versant Health Vision Loss Simulator

Use the following steps to answer the questions for the Sensory Simulations Reaction Paper, by visiting the website, Versant Health Vision Loss Simulator.

  1. Access the website, .
  2. Click on Explore and then click on 360 degrees.
  3. Using the mouse, click, hold, and move around the photograph – you should be able to move 360 degrees around the picture; seeing the ground to the sky. You can move from the wheelbarrow to the far left of the picture all the way around past the wheelbarrow to a man seated at the table. While moving around, you should also be able to see several families, a garden, and a social setting. Additionally, you will see circles with the letter “i” in the center. Click on the circles to hear information related to each of the following scenarios with which you are interacting (Make sure you have your sound turned on.).
  4. Select Glaucoma at the bottom of the screen and repeat Step 3.
  5. Select Cataract at the bottom of the screen and repeat Step 3.
  6. Select Diabetic Retinopathy at the bottom of the screen and repeat Step 3.
  7. Select Presbyopia at the bottom of the screen and repeat Step 3.
  8. Select Macular Degeneration at the bottom of the screen and repeat Step 3.

Part 3: Starkey Hearing Technologies

Use the following steps to answer the questions for the Sensory Simulations Reaction Paper, by visiting the website, Starkey Hearing Technologies.

Note: There most likely will be a need to listen to each of the scenarios (conversations, meeting, crowd, and restaurant), including the different hearing modes for each scenario, more than once.

  1. Access the website, .
  2. Click Get Started, select Conversation, and then Play.
    1. Normal Mode: Let the conversation play in “Normal” hearing mode for a few moments until it is clear how that sounds.
    2. Mild Mode: Now, click on “Mild” to let the conversation play in mild hearing loss mode for a few moments until it is clear how that sounds.
    3. Moderate Mode: Next, click on “Moderate” to let the conversation play in moderate hearing loss mode for a few moments until it is clear how that sounds.
    4. Severe Mode: Finally, click on “Severe” to let the conversation play in severe hearing loss mode for a few moments.
  3. Click Meeting, and then Play.
    1. Normal Mode: Let the conversation play in “Normal” hearing mode for a few moments until it is clear how that sounds.
    2. Mild Mode: Now, click on “Mild” to let the conversation play in mild hearing loss mode for a few moments until it is clear how that sounds.
    3. Moderate Mode: Next, click on “Moderate” to let the conversation play in moderate hearing loss mode for a few moments until it is clear how that sounds.
    4. Severe Mode: Finally, click on “Severe” to let the conversation play in severe hearing loss mode for a few moments.
  4. Click Crowd, and then Play.
    1. Normal Mode: Let the conversation play in “Normal” hearing mode for a few moments until it is clear how that sounds.
    2. Mild Mode: Now, click on “Mild” to let the conversation play in mild hearing loss mode for a few moments until it is clear how that sounds.
    3. Moderate Mode: Next, click on “Moderate” to let the conversation play in moderate hearing loss mode for a few moments until it is clear how that sounds.
    4. Severe Mode: Finally, click on “Severe” to let the conversation play in severe hearing loss mode for a few moments.
  5. Click Restaurant, and then Play.
    1. Normal Mode: Let the conversation play in “Normal” hearing mode for a few moments until it is clear how that sounds.
    2. Mild Mode: Now, click on “Mild” to let the conversation play in mild hearing loss mode for a few moments until it is clear how that sounds.
    3. Moderate Mode: Next, click on “Moderate” to let the conversation play in moderate hearing loss mode for a few moments until it is clear how that sounds.
    4. Severe Mode: Finally, click on “Severe” to let the conversation play in severe hearing loss mode for a few moments.

Step 3: Write Your Paper

Your paper should be three (3) pages. Use two (2) single-spaced pages to respond to the questions (each response will be approximately a half a page). Use 1-inch margins and 12-point font). The last page is the reference page.

Written Response and Paper Format Directions and Citations and References

In addition to answering each of the questions:

  • Cite ALL references as appropriate using a reference list at the end of your written summary. This includes any of the instructional material included in this lesson or the course. You must support all answers and conclusions, as appropriate, with evidence and resources/citations using APA. Reference the Writing Resources for assistance; make sure you follow the Citation and Reference Directions. Again, the Writing Resources can also be found in the Student Resources module.


You must submit your paper to Turnitin, using this drop box. Please be aware that your paper will be checked for plagiarism through Turnitin. Thus, make sure everything is in your own words and that anything you paraphrase has been paraphrased appropriately.